Astro Boy the Review

Astro Boy is a completely forgettable CG animated movie. I wasn’t going to write anything about it, but it really exemplifies how amazing Pixar’s movies are.

The animaion is good, there was some good work done by IMAGI, the action set pieces are fun to watch. It’s the story is so half assed and awkward, it seems like the script never went beyond the first draft of a 12 year old. Astro Boy is originally a manga character created in the 1950s. He’s a robot boy with a cute design, what’s not to love? Everything in this embarrassment. Astro Boy starts as a real boy who get’s killed in an accident and his scientific genius father builds a robot in his image and puts his “DNA memories” into the robot to try and get his son back. Using some Blue energy magically obtained from space as a power source, Toby is seemingly the same good matured kid. But of course you can’t bring back the dead, much to his fathers dismay.

Everything is closed over in the story. Sure it’s outlandish about a robot boy can talk and have feelings (a big plot element in any sci-fi robot story) but you accept it as part of this world. It’s in the future! But good lord, there is so much garbage at work here. The Blue and Red energy idea is so childish. The DNA memory concept is absurd, the robot guardian that absorbs just about everything it touches, there is an apparent war between Metro City and the Surface of Earth that only 2 people say is happening. There’s this juvenile political angle to the movie that is so out of place and handled poorly it makes any adult scratch their head. Astro Boy doesn’t even seem surprised when he discovers he has rocket feet when he thinks he’s a boy. The part with Toby’s death at the beginning is so quick and awkward I wouldn’t want a kid of mine to see it. See Pixar’s Up to see how masterfully such an intense life lesson can be carefully and masterfully handled.

All the voice actors sleep walk through this. Just lines on a page to read. Astro Boy is a prime example of a poor animated movie. It’s aimed very low and comes off as such. Pixar movies are aimed at everyone. They don’t insult the intelligence of the audience, regardless of age. Pixar painstakingly makes amazing stories with real character(s). They can make serious parts and comedic parts that everyone can enjoy (even if they are too young to understand it). It really struck me at how much better Pixar can make a movie.

Kick Ass the Review

It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the movies and Kick Ass brought me back to the picture house.

Based on the Mark Millar (many Batman books, Sin City…) comic, Kick Ass is the story of Dave who is your average kid who wonders why no one has tried to be a real super hero. One day he gets the courage to try it out, makes a costume out of a wet suit and proceeds to get his ass kicked.

This movie was a ton of fun, just what I was looking to watch. Funny, exciting, crude and rude. There’s a solid dose of violence (that has been hyped up much higher than it really is) and the action is really well done. I really enjoyed the direction and cinematography. The movie looks great outside of some rough blue screen and CG, but there are some great transitions and set ups. The 3D comic back story of Big Daddy and Hit Girl was terrific, the fight choreography was really well done and one of the better soundtracks I can remember in quite some time.

Kick Ass is just short of 2 hours long and the story hits a lull half way through. But the characters really kept me engaged, the entire cast was really good. And that includes Nicolas Cage! His resume is filled with craters but he was really enjoyable here, his Adam West homage as Big Daddy was brilliant. He had a real chemistry Chloe Moretz who plays his 11 year old daughter Hit Girl. They are in every major action scene together and their last one was actually really touching at the end of all the carnage (which oddly enough had both the best and worst looking sections of the movie). I’ve never heard of Aaron Johnson (a bloke from the UK) before but I gotta say I’m a real fan now. His American accent is perfect and he made Dave into a completely realistic and likeable person. Dave isn’t a complete nerd, he’s not obnoxious and I could really relate to him. When he gets beat up you feel sorry for him and when he gets the girl you’re totally psyched for him. And Christopher Mintz-Plasse (of Superbad fame) is great, as always, as Chris/Red Mist.

Kick Ass is one of the best movies I’ve seen in awhile. It takes the standard comic book conventions and mixes them up to keep it new and interesting. The characters are great, the action fun, everything I really look for in this type of movie. It’s been getting shit reviews from old critics, but this movie isn’t meant for them. It certainly isn’t perfect. It pushes for shock value that often times doesn’t work, but it’s a small complaint in an otherwise terrific movie. The audience I was with really liked it. I’m thinking this is going to have a terrific opening weekend and beyond as the release was timed perfectly.

A lull

Had a bit of a lull recently, I’ve seen a few movies on DVD, but none really worth mentioning. They haven’t been bad per say, just not anything worth writing about.

TV has been going strong, Spartacus finished, but I haven’t watched it yet. Fringe is back and is on a roll, been a great season. Fox really needs to stop taking shows off for weeks at a time and starting them up at seemingly random. Cable always crushes network TV channels in this regard. They worst thing you can do is make a popular show stop in the middle of a season. Whatever reason they have for it is completly outdated and does nothing to help shows. You get a fan base and you keep them happy. People are way too busy and there are way too many options today to make a show vanish for a month. And forget about moving an established show to a different day, that is another nightmare. Fox has shot too many shows in the head that way.

A bit of a lull game wise this month, but May is going to be unbelievable. It might be the biggest May to date for games, it’s looking like a holiday release schedule. I think I’m going to make a release list to show how crazy this summer is going to be.

Korn III: Remember Who You Are looks to have a release date now. July 13th, 2010. Later than I hoped, but that is a day before Mayhem Festival kicks off so the timing is right. I think a lot still has to be done to get it ready for release despite the album being done. The single, “Oildale” looks to hit the radio on May 3rd so that’s something to look forward to. I really want to hear the studio cut.

Spartacus: Blood and Sand, “Revelations”

With one episode left, just about every secret was let out of the bag on this episode. Some of the best fight choreography was on display here along with the brilliant writing, pacing and acting.

This show has been like a runaway freight train since episode 2, the premiere was basically just the train loading at the station. I can’t wait to see how they end this season, it’s been an amazing journey.

What I’m watching update

Last weeks episode of Lost was good, the problem is it was like 3 weeks late. More episodes like that please.

Spartacus! So good it makes me happy just thinking about it. Something important, major and intense happens every single episode. The whole show really revolves around politics, from the slaves to the politicians themselves. Gathering secret info on others, looking for outs out of problems, revenge moves, upper crust political movement, you name it.

Great fight choreography, sexiness all over the place. There’s 3 episodes left, I see Crixus taking a huge loss next that will unite him with Spartacus again, where they’ll take the steps to bust out of the Ludus that imprisons them.

Breaking Bad continues it’s title as best show on TV with it’s second episode of the season. The direction is really fantastic, film quality really. Couple that with brilliant writing, acting and careful editing and music decisions make this show tough to beat. The tension for the last 5 minutes was incredible.

I finished Bayonetta for 360 as well. Good action game, if a bit long. Looks good, but I hate the monster and boss design. Just ugly and stupid. Controls like a dream though, it’s worth playing.

What’s on TV?

With Nip/Tuck done, the show is officially out of my rotation. Now it’s Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, The Office, Archer (which just finished it’s first season, great adult cartoon). I’m still digging Americas Best Dance Crew, this season has had a very good mix of dance styles feels like a better season than last. ABDC has 3 or 4 episodes left now. FX has started their new show, Justified and I think I’m a fan. U.S Marshall played by Timothy Olyphant gets moved back to his home town to lay down the law. In typical FX fashion it has fantastic actors, writing and production values.

The Ricky Gervaise Show on HBO is a hoot, it’s his podcast animated. HBO also started airing The Pacific which is a war mini-series much like Band of Brothers. This time it’s about the time(s) just after the Pearl Harbor attacks. Don’t get a good feeling for any of the characters yet, seems to be a slower build.

I’m still with Lost, it’s not as gung-ho as everyone expected and wanted but I think it’s still enjoyable. I’ve stuck with it so long, I gotta see how they end it. The next episode is about Richard who at this point is the most mysterious character, we know next to nothing about him. Should be a lot of reveals. Spartacus on Starz is far and away my favorite show on TV right now. It’s basically 300 on TV and it has it all. Action, mystery, violence, nudity, cursing, gore. Everything I love pretty much. The acting is so good, and the writing is just out of this world. I can never guess what’s going to happen. The political backstabbing is off the charts. Liars and thieves constantly making moves to one up each other and the shit storm just keeps getting bigger and bigger. The 9th episode aired on Friday and was titled “Whore”. Never has there been a more appropriate title. I haven’t been knocked retarded from the end of a show since the first 2 seasons of Nip/Tuck! A second season has already been given the greenlight so that is awesome news. I’m constantly amazed at the momemetum that Spartacus has been able to maintain. The worst episode was the first one, they’ve been crafting this masterpiece of a story ever since without missing a beat. But the old champion enters the ring tonight!

Breaking Bad starts Season 3 tonight on AMC! So excited, it’s been a long break after last seasons stunner of a finale. So much to watch it’s crazy. Fringe starts back up in April too which also starts the months of awesome movies coming out and May is packed with AAA video games. Some crazy entertainment coming up in the next few months. This summer should be fantastic.