
Korn III has leaked and I couldn’t help myself! Why rob myself of 10 days of enjoyment? Still have the special edition with bonus DVD to look forward to and that has 2 more songs and a new live recording of Blind. I’m gonna write a big review of the album when it officially comes out but I’ve listened to it in full 5 times since yesterday and I’ll just say that I am very happy.

Poking around the net I just found out the Smashing Pumpkins are doing this crazy concept album where they release 4 songs at a time for free on the net. There will be 44 songs total for “Teargarden by Kaleidyscope” in total. 11 EP’s will be released over time and culminate in a giant deluxe uber set when it’s all done. All can be found on

Astral Planes
A Stitch in Time
Widow Wake My Mind
A Song For a Son

Corgan got a new Bass player and Drummer too.

Lastly, Eminem’s “Recovery” is phenomenal. Triumphant return I’d say.


After last years 3 week long summer, it’s good to see this year we don’t have to wait until July for great weather. Makes a big difference, it seems like everyone is happier with sunshine and heat.

The standard TV season is over, Lost is pretty much gone and forgotten. It wasn’t a bad ending, but the show pretty much collapsed under it’s own weight. Shame because the show started so strong. Breaking Bad on the other hand was probably the best show on TV this season. Maybe one weak episode out of 13 (with no breaks might I add) and even that episode was better than most other shows. 3 amazing seasons and going although I’m not sure how they’re going to get themselves out of the intense corner they are in.

I’ve watched some movies here and there, but nothing really special. It’s been a weak summer for movies so far, but Toy Story 3 should change that. I’ve watched more TV shows on DVD more than movies lately. Started Mad Men and it’s good, but I haven’t seen anything so far that seems to make people go wild for it. I’m only 6 episodes in so it’s still early. Watched season 1 and 2 of Party Down and I didn’t like it at first. The characters started growing on me so that made me stick with the show and I’m glad I did. There’s some good stuff in there (it’s about a catering company in Hollywood. My favorite actor from Freaks and Geeks is in it and there are a ton of cameos through out). Justified (on FX) had a great first season as well. I look forward to the second.

True Blood is back on and it remains as mediocre as usual. There’s a new show coming up on HBO about gangsters in old school Atlantic City that looks pretty cool, I need to remember to record it.

Played through Red Dead Redemption and really liked it. The Wild West setting really drew me in and for some reason it’s made me want to finish all the lengthy side quests. On the other side is Blur, an awesome real car take on kart racing by Bizarre Creations. Easy to hop onto that for awhile and have a good time beating on a dozen or so other people. I just started Dante’s Inferno which is basically God of War with a different theme. Seems competent an hour into it. Crackdown 2 is next in my sights, the demo coming out tomorrow will swing me on a purchase or a rental.

Eminem’s Recovey is a fantastic album. He’s shed most of his lyrical cliches and he’s better off for it. He’s got some brilliant rhymes to go with some really creative beats. It’s a much more positive album for him and it’s got a soul that was missing from Encore and Relapse.

Korn III: Remember Who You Are is less than a month away and I’ve got tickets to see them at Mayhem Fest 2 weeks later. Really looking forward to it.

Iron Man 2 the Review

I saw Iron Man 2 more than a week ago and I just realized I didn’t write about it.

A well made, average movie. I’m pretty apathetic about it. I’ve never been a fan of the IM character so I really have no expectations for it. Maybe just wanting to see a guy in a robot suit lay down the law in a blaze of glory, of which there is very little of in this movie.

After the 2 hour movie was over, it was left feeling that there wasn’t enough fun stuff between all the talking and Robert Downey Jr. making faces at the camera. There were a lot of cop-outs. I dig Mickey Rourke, but he was barely in it. His whips were really cool, but again, he barely uses them. I have no idea how he survived getting his torse crushed by a 2 ton car either. Tony Stark is a drunk but they pass it off here as his reaction to being unable to find a cure for his power core induced illness. But the worst is the way they cured him, I can’t remember seeing anything that dumb and ludicrus in ages. People ridiculed Avatar for it’s silly use of “Unobtanium” but the magical model/over night Hadon Supercollider/laser beam triangle element-ium is just insulting.

The cast is fine, the effects match and what action there was, was fun to watch. In the end I just feel like it’s nothing special, a good rental. Batman for life.


It’s been a week since I had the PTK procedure (surgery?) done on my left I. It was unpleasant. It’s kinda like going to the dentist. You can think of a million things you’d rather be doing, but it’s not that bad. It only takes 5 minutes to remove the scar and a laser was used in the last bit, for what I have no idea. It was literally a few seconds and then it was clean up, put a contact lens in to protect the open area and then it’s eyedrop mania. Had the contact lens off yesterday and now I have a different eye medication for the next 2 weeks, So the haze is gone but I have a some blurriness. It’s not that bad and it seems to be getting a little better everyday. The healing process is still in full effect so it’s going to be some time for my vision to stabilize. Hopefully this stupid thing works unlike last year, so the end game is out on that one right now. It should cost me a whole lot less even though the medication has cost $200 (which would have been almost 600 without insurance, which is insane). Should get a statement from the insurance company to see if they’re going to be useless or a real benefit.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) the Review

A Nightmare on Elm Street is a historical horror film. It created a horror icon in 1984 that saw 6 more movies in 10 years with Freddy Krueger’s last appearance in Freddy vs Jason in 2004 (considered the 8th Nightmare movie, the 11th Friday movie).

Over the years the series became more and more campy, pushing visual effects over the true vision of the Fred Krueger character. If you think about it, it is pretty weird that a child killer would become a merchandising gold mine with dolls and lunchboxes with his image all over the place.

So it’s been a long time since Freddy was scary, his one liners got worse, his prancing around more pronounced. But that became part of the series charm for better or worse. There are some real stinkers in the series, but they are all mostly fun to watch (except for the second movie which really is unwatchable). Robert Englund made Krueger his own, no one else could be seen as him, until this reboot. Which I think was necessary. Don’t get me wrong, Englund’s performance and all too brief scenes proved that the character and the idea of a dream killer is incredibly scary. Englund is andn always will be synonymous with Freddy Krueger. Now it’s been years since a proper Nightmare movie so a reintroduction, I think, was necessary.

While this Nightmare is far from perfect, I really liked much of what they did here. The dark and brutal tone was back, necessary to make Freddy Krueger a monster again. They followed the original, but broke off in the right ways.

I really like Jackie Earl Haley as Krueger. His body type is similar to Englunds, he had the right mannerisms and I liked his take on the voice (which is pretty opinion based. This one is love it or hate it I think). A lot of people have a huge problem with changing Krueger from a child killer to a pedophile. I don’t understand the outrage. Both versions prey on the young and hurt them in unimaginable ways. They’re both pieces of shit. Freddy Krueger isn’t someone you should like or care for. He’s a villain, he’s a demon. I’ve even read that he’s a “pussy” now. Well, what really changed? He haunts kids, exploits they’re weaknesses, chases them down and brutally kills them. And really, what’s the statistic on the creeps who kill children but didn’t harm them in any other way? I really don’t understand the complaint here. He should make your skin crawl. This movie even follows the rules set by creator Wes Craven closer than most of the sequels did! He gets his power through memory and fear, he can’t jump in and out of dreams at will or make people pass through solid walls (I’m looking at you, 2 and 3). In all honestly I’m not a big fan of the new make up, I kept thinking of Voldermort from the Potter series when seeing his face. There are some nice touches though (like the holes in his head where his ears burned off and the cheeks). I thought Jackie did a great job with what’s there. He was a real menace, there was some great (if brief) moments of tension….he made a real dirt bag come to life. I even felt for him when you’re led to believe for that moment that he’s innocent.

The soundtrack is really fantastic and the film looks great as well. There are some terrific transitions, the lighting/cinematography is quality and most of the effects are well done. There’s some poor CG at times (when Freddy stretches out Nancy’s bedroom wall) but all the practical stuff looked great and the kill effects were superb.

Speaking of kills, there weren’t many. Which a lot of people are also up in arms about…but why? This series never really had many per film if these “fans” would recall and the level of gore even went down as the series went as well. Same amount of deaths as the original is present here and they changed them all to be different, even if paying homage to the original (Tina’s). For all the cries of being unoriginal, has anyone scene New Nightmare? That one was directed by Wes Craven himself, used Tina’s death again almost exactly and had one of the lowest kill counts! The first death in this reboot is pretty fantastic by any measure. There’s 3 or 4 deaths alluded too which would have padded the number, but also would have made the film run way too long. I don’t understand the venomous hate. This isn’t a Friday the 13th movie where Jason hides his kills in catwalks and boathouses.

I’ve seen a lot of hate on the cast as well and I think the cast is fine. Nothing award winning to be sure, but none of them were offensive. They all seemed like believable people to me and the adults were more or less window dressing. Now the movie was staged oddly, for most of the picture you think Kris is the heroine until Nancy steps forward as the cast dies off (she’s there from the very beginning, but her involvement seems like she’s a side character). But it follows Freddy’s intentions (which the movie makes clear). Nancy was his favorite and he works up to her, gaining strength as he goes and biding his time until she can’t stay awake any longer. I really liked how Nancy discovers Freddy’s kill path with the class photo leading to her and her friends (I thought Marcus’ video blog was really cool). The concept of micro naps is really cool and worked really well (for the most part, I’ll get to that in a bit). By the end the last kids don’t know what’s real or a dream any more which leads to some great scenes. I liked the homages to the original, like the sticky floor that turns to blood that acknowledges some of the most memorable scenes from the original while doing it’s own thing. I appreciated those tweaks.

Now, while I did really enjoy this new Nightmare, it’s got it’s fair share of problems. First, there’s a lot of peaks an valleys. The intro is very strong, but the movie never quite reaches that point again. It’s really well done, sets up Freddy (he’s got a great line) and the death is really well done. The movie goes into lulls at times and then perks up whenever Freddy hits his stride again. While the idea of micro naps is great, it isn’t used right The first half (at the very least) of the movie needed to be more subtle. Actually, there is no subtlety. There’s never a question of if someone is dreaming or not. You see the lighting change and the creepy music kicks in right away. That ruins the advantage of catching the audience off guard. Strangely it’s done the best in the last act of the movie (around the pharmacy scene which was the most creative part of the movie) as Nancy and Quentin can’t stay awake for more than a few minutes anymore. As a result to this, jump scares are used as the only real method of scaring you. But that’s not really fear at work, just startling someone. If you need to rely on a orchestra hit to scare people, you’re not doing it right.

Also, there was a lack of imagination at work here, but I’m on the fence about it. This is probably the biggest problem people have with the movie. Being a new Nightmare movie, fans expected crazy dream sequences which there really weren’t any. But this was a reboot, not a sequel. The sequels always tried to top the last one with new and outlandish dream sequences. So in the idea that this is Krugers first killing spree, they kept it simple (just like the original). He doesn’t transform into creatures for example and holy shit, how about some more dream locations? Over use of the boiler room and the “claws against the wall” trick. It’s defiantly a legit complaint, it just doesn’t really bother me much. The tone and direction of the film was pretty clear to me, but I expect all new crazy shit if they make a sequel. That said I would have changed Jesse’s death to something that made more sense (and was more clear) given the circumstances (although Freddy’s parting words were brutal). Finally, if you’re going to copy a scene from a 26 year old movie, make sure it doesn’t look worse in the end (Freddy stretching Nancy’s wall being the main offender). The last scene in the movie is a great homage to the original but is marred by horrific CG as well.

As an aside, I wonder if they should have made the sense of time passing more clear. I figure that the movie takes place around a week. Watching it, we find out Freddy has killed quite a few kids before we see his first in the movie. Nancy is crossing off her former classmates on the picture she found and we see two newspaper clippings and the video blog of the (possible) last 3 before Freddy gets Dean. The 70 hour “micro nap” time limit is clearly established so odds are the first person who remembered Kruger did it at least a week prior. Now this is a lot to fit into the movie, we’re talking about 7 or 8 more characters which is unrealistic for a reasonable run time. It does make for a good background though, I wonder who started the chain of events that started the domino effect of everyone beginning to remember and passing along Freddy’s legend (and how they died!).

There’s a lot of talk that this is the worst movie in the series which is just not true. Part 2 holds that honor steadfast. That movie was a mess. Broke the dream rules, had horrible kills and the tone of that movie is just bizarre (it remains the only movie in the series with a male lead) and is pretty boring. I was pretty psyched to see a new Nightmare movie in theaters and I think it hit many of the correct notes. I’d put this in the top 3 or 4 of the series. Freddy’s back, I just expect the bar to be raised higher with a new, refreshing direction if a sequel gets made. The foundation has been re-established, let’s get the effort done to make a new house that Freddy built. Please no 3D!

It took some digging…

but I found when I originally bought XM Satalitte Radio stock. Way back in June of 2006 for like 30 bucks a share! Dropped ever since. 2008 they “merged” with Sirus to continue the downward trend until very recently where they broke 1 dollar a share as SIRI XM Radio.

Sold it today for $96.60. After fees and shit I got completely murdered. Slaughtered might be a better term. I should have bought Netflix. At least now that I know the exact details I can write this shit off on my taxes to the negative cent.