Some Good Rock

I’ve been listening to two new albums recently, Foo Fighters “Wasting Light” and Sum 41 “Screaming Bloody Murder”, both I’ve grown to love the more I listen to them.

These days it’s hard to find a good rock album. I’ve been a casual fan of Foo Fighters, listening almost strickly to their singles over the years. Looking for something new to listen to, I popped this in without hearing anything about it or from it. Dave Grohl has to be one of the best musicians working today. Look at his career, his resume is ridiculous. I’ve become a huge fan of Wasting Light, the only track I don’t like is “Dear Rosemary”, the other 10 are pretty brilliant. It’s a fantastic car album, just a high energy and groovy album from front to back. Dave has a fantastic singing range, the drums are terrific and the guitar work is really impressive too. The album was recorded at Grohl’s house using the good old analog way (like Korn did with their latest) which gives it a warm and live feel. They recently played Saturday Night Live and completely killed, sounded just like the album. “Walk” is my favorite track, which they also did on SNL, totally worth tracking down and watching.

Sum 41 is a love ’em or hate ’em band. These guys get shit on all the time but I think they have some serious talent. “Mature” has never been a word for this band, but they pretty much hit it big when they were kids. I love 2005’s “Chuck”; it’s just a blistering album. They kinda shed the punk overtones and went more metal/rock and it totally worked. 2007’s “Underclass Hero” on the other hand sucked eggs. I have no idea what happend but it bored me to death and I swear they reused riffs and melodies from their earlier work. “Screaming Bloody Murder” is a really eclectic album. Ballads, acoustic, piano, thundering bass and drums, some straight up shredding guitar work are all on this album. Some work better than others, but I gotta say I like the whole album. People seem to freak out when a band slows things down, but I don’t mind that (“Crash” is a good example). I don’t think albums need to follow a straight path, variety and time changes keep things interesting. As long as there is a real energy behind a song, it works. This sounds like a very personal album for Deryck Whibley, something I appreciate. Right after “Crash” is the energetic “Blood In My Eyes”. There’s a nice transition between the songs as “Crash” is a ballad and”Blood” doesn’t really pick up until about 30 seconds with a terrific guitar riff. I gotta say, I love Steve Jocz on drums, he’s a monster (new guitarist Tom Thacker sounds like a great match for Whibley as well, great stuff). These guys can really throw down a jam that can quickly morph into a groove and then back into a jam (“Sick of Everyone” and “Happiness Machine” which is my favorite). They take a lot of inspiration from others (Green Day, but I think Sum 41 is better than them, less predictable).

Check ’em out.

Get Up- Korn

It’s like See You On The Other Side cranked to the moon! Collab between Skrillex and Korn, Road Runner is going to release the song for free on Monday, the 18th. It’s Korn with a dubstep influence, probably the direction the next album is going to take. Seems like they’re going to be fucking around in the studio until they head out for some festivals for the summer. This could mean Skrillex may produce the album. Time will tell, I like what I’ve heard from this. It’s a new direction but it still sounds like Korn. How could they play this live thought? I look forward to see what comes of this.

I’ve kicked Mafia Wars to the curb

Been thinking about doing it for awhile and I finally pulled the trigger. You can say that any game is a waste of time, but none quite like Mafia Wars. It’s a spread sheet with graphics and the “gameplay” feature of bothering other people to send you useless objects so you can keep running on a treadmill. It never ends. They just add another section, add more hoops to jump through that require you to bug other people to try and finish.

It turns into a habit, doesn’t matter if you’re having fun anymore. So I gave it up. Unfriended all the people that were there solely as Mafia members, now I have regained a functional Wall again. It was stupid actually, 90% of of friend updates were Mafia War requests, I had to actually browse to see anything from someone I actually cared about.

So cold turkey. Removed all those mob friends, blocked the application completely and deleted the Zynga toolbar. Feels good actually. It’s a healthy feeling.

Sucker Punch the Review

I wanted to like Sucker Punch a lot more than I did. I like Director Zack Snyder a lot. Big fan of his previous movies, I love his style and direction (ease up on the slow-mo would be a good move though). Sucker Punch is a passion project for him. It’s his own creation, he had the idea for awhile and he got the chance to make it with a shit load of money and talent behind it. Something seems to have been lost in the production though.

They story of Sucker Punch is about a young girl nicknamed Babydoll who is institutionalized to a insane asylum by her step father after accidentally killing her younger sister. At the asylum she befriends a few other girls and hatches a plan to escape. Now the hook of the movie is that she uses her imagination as a coping mechanism to her situation which allows these crazy anime inspired action set pieces to dazzle the audience. It’s a neat idea that lets Zack come up with some really great and interesting action scenes. Reality doesn’t really matter in this fantasy…the real world goal is to obtain an object that is needed to escape (Map, fire, knife, key) so each action scene is for each item the girls are trying to get. Watching this it felt like something was missing either from the script or from editing. It’s an hour and 45 minutes long but it really looked to me that big chunks had been taken out for whatever reason (probably time) that made things way more confusing then they should be.

The entire movie is pretty much a fantasy sequence. The opening is told like a play, so even that doesn’t feel real. It’s clear what happens and how Babydoll gets thrown away by her step dad, but that fantasy world never really subsides. Maybe when she first gets to the hospital is that moment real, but Babydoll quickly changes her surroundings to look like a brothel/dance studio. The catalyst for the action scenes is when Babydoll dances, everyone is enthralled by her moves. This technique has apparently been taught to her by the resident shrink, Dr. Vera Gorski even though you never see that, only hear it in passing. But when Babydoll dances, it’s shown with her slowly moving her hips side to side and then closing her eyes which is when everything around her changes, she gets super powers and she brings the other girls into the mission with her. The way this is shown, I couldn’t shake the idea that the marks watching her, weren’t entranced by her dancing, but shocked and bewildered at how she looks like a retard with hip dysplasia.

I think the movie spends too much time in Babydoll’s fantasy world. You hear about real events (a doctor is coming in 5 days to give Babydoll a frontal lobotomy, which gives her a time limit on when she can get things together and escape) in some dialog but it’s impossible to even tell the amount of time that is passing in the movie. There’s not enough grounding to make the events and consequences make enough sense. You have no idea of what is actually happening during the action scenes in the real world so it doesn’t work as well as intended. It might have sounded great on paper but it just feels like a half baked idea when the filmmakers went through with it.

There’s also an idea of feminism and other wise “girl power” at play here. The main cast is all girls and they band together to get out of their sad reality. I’ve read a lot of moaning that there is more exploitation at work here then real feminism, but I never saw anything really gratuitous. There’s obviously sex appeal at work here, but it didn’t look obnoxious to me. The costumes are all ripped from the anime world and burlesque shows like Chicago. In fact the action scenes are really an American filmmakers take on making an anime with real actors. They defy gravity and time, they have huge weapons, everyone knows kung fu and weapon training.

An amazing amount of work went into making this movie. Everything was clearly worked on with a purpose and a vision, taking cues and cliches from all sorts of entertainment mediums. The action scenes are truly spectacular, but all the important parts linking them are too weak. There is some bad dialog here and there which is made worse by some downright terrible acting (Vanessa Hudgens, I’m looking at you. Thankfully she was barely in the movie).

I expect the home release with a directors cut to make this movie much better, I gotta say wait for that instead of seeing it in theaters.

Limitless the Review

Bradley Cooper is really hitting his stride, isn’t he. Limitless is Mr. Coopers first leading man role and judging by the response it’s received at the box office and by critics, his star power will continues to rise. Special mention for BC’s role on Nip/Tuck as Aiden Stone, which I think is the first time I really noticed him.

I found Limitless to be an enjoyable movie, if a bit on the safe side. It’s the story of a crumb bum of an author named Eddie who comes in contact with an exotic mind expanding drug by way of an old acquaintance. This translucent little wonder unlocks the mind, making the person more focused, creative and active. “It works best if you are already a smart person” and the effects have a drastic affect on Eddie. He can recall long forgotten facts that have been tucked away in his brain, learning anything becomes easy. He quickly gets his life into a new stratosphere of class and opportunity in Manhattan. But it’s obviously not that easy, all drugs have side effects and this unclassified wonder doesn’t come cheap or from the nicest people.

It’s a great concept and it’s put to great use in the film. There’s a lot of fun scenes, Bradley Cooper is a perfect fit for Eddie and it’s a really well put together movie. It’s edited quite well and didn’t overstay it’s welcome. They kept it from being too predictable too which was very welcome. You might think you’re on the right track early on but they tweak the characters and interactions here and there to keep you on your toes. My only real critique is the end, which I actually liked. It just felt a little too convenient and easy, the time frame of those last events didn’t seem that plausible to me. Great matinee movie.


A quick run down of the shows I’ve watched. A lot of winners so far.

Series 16 of Top Gear flew right by! A new Stig was brought in and the usual high quality car enthusiast programming continued on! The Christms special was a particular stand out.

Shameless on Showtime just finished up it’s first season and it was damn good. William H Macy rules, pretty much the whole cast does aside from the youngest kids. A lot of crazy stuff goes down every episode and the finale was especially rough. Not sure how Frank is going to live through it.

Face Off is the first show I’ve watched on Sci-fi (sorry buy SyFi is fucking stupid) in at least a decade. I can’t believe it took this long for a movie makeup competition to happen. It’s a great premise and the show found a great cast for it’s first season. I was happy with who won and look forward to the next season.

Skins, Season 3! As expected, no where near as good as the first season. The cast change was a tough one to get over, I found most of the characters to be more annoying than anything. JJ was my favorite, he was the easiest to relate to and the most believable. It wasn’t a terrible season, but it was a huge drop off in quality.

The two ABC shows I watch are Modern Family and The Event. MF is basically brilliant and The Event has gotten better since it’s cone back. It got really slow for awhile there and things seem to be picking up again.

Fringe continues to be the best Science Fiction show on TV. Just terrific writing and acting every episode. There’s some complex story telling going on but they manage to keep everything very clear and easy to follow. Changing the credits for the stories in the alt dimension (and for flash back episodes) is brilliant. When Olivia was possessed 2 episodes ago it got me worried that they took a turn down Stupid Lane, the concept and explanation was hard to swallow and this is on a show where the impossible is tested all the time. Looks like it’s going to be a quick and interesting arc so I remain positive on things working out.

Mad Men season 4 just hit DVD and I’m plowing head first into episode 7 this weekend thanks to Netflix. Great show and the new ad agency is surprisingly effective at breathing new life into the show. The story of these broken people continues to keep my interest high.

The second season of Archer is more than half way done and holy shit is it funny. I can’t even explain how great this show is. They take some dark subjects on and just steam roll you over with it.

Hawaii 5-0 is the only CBS show I watch, I enjoy it because it’s just a brain dead show. Like it just fits the cookie cutter mold and follows the most basic TV rules around but it works. Must be the cast and location that does it for me.

Justified on FX (this network might have the best collection of shows right now) is another winner. It’s fun stopping in on US Marshall Raylan rousting the creeps of his Kentucky home town. It’s got that Wild Wild West vibe going on that I really like, you don’t see that much these days. Special mention to Walton Goggins who plays Boyd, he’s amazing. One of the best TV characters around today.

NBC’s Thursday line up is pretty strong too. I watch Perfect Couples for Olivia Munn and while it isn’t the best show, it makes me laugh. Parks and Recreation is on a roll with its 3rd season. 30 Rock is always worth tuning into, I can’t really think of an episode I haven’t liked. The Office is a rough one though, I kind of watch out of curiosity now. There’s been more than a few terrible episodes and the show just feels tired. I can see why Steve Carell wants to leave and it may be in the best interest of the show. Michael Scott is just played out as a character. I like how they have things set up with Holly, it looks like they can move Michael on in a positive way and the combo of Will Ferrel and Ricky Gervaise giving the show a shot in the arm for the last few episode of the season could be great. I’m not sure if I’ll keep watching next season.

Spring It

Dear Spring,

Please show up this is getting rediculous. You seem to be fighting winter off this weekend, but these sub 40 temps are way beyond old. Time to heat things up and make all of us happy again.

Yours Truly,


Salt the Review

Salt really took me by surprise, it’s the best action movie I’ve seen in awhile. I’m a fan of Angelina Jolie, she’s sexy, she commands screen presence and she really is a great actress. When she’s in a movie she really digs it shows. Salt it like a combination of Tomb Raider (the female hero lead) and the James Bond/Bourne series.

Evelyn Salt is a covert CIA agent who has done a lot for the United States. When she’s accused of being a sleeper Russian spy, she goes on the run. This doesn’t bode well for her innocence so she’s chased down by her co-workers while dealing with a plot to assassinate the Russian President.

Everything works well here. Really great direction to complement the action scenes (and there are many of them), the stunt work in here is nothing short of fantastic. Great integration with CG and practical effects and the soundtrack is fittingly epic (I did hear a rather obvious Terminator ring to Salt’s “theme” though). They made Salt a really vicious assassin, she has a heavy dose of Batman’s’ preferred style of getting the jump on enemies and disabling them as quickly as possible with no second thoughts. With two dangerous sides closing in on her, you’re not entirely sure where her loyalty lies. Salt is a really smart character and I really liked that. Gun fights, fist fights, crazy car and on foot chases, some great espionage action which I love. Jolie rocks in this movie, I loved everything about it.

The Other Guys the Review

The Other Guys is basically what Cop Out wanted to be. The right mix of action and comedy (like Beverly Hills Cop) that works on both angles. This is a Will Ferrell movie, so if you don’t like his type of comedy, you probably won’t like it. This is less of a “Will Ferrell in X sports goof” and more of the SNL type direction that made him famous.

The Other Guys is a hard spoof of buddy comedies that is often ridiculous that works more than it fails (unlike Cop Out). Allen and Terry are the other guys on the police force, they’re planted right in the shadow of the super cops in their precinct. When those guys suddenly hit the skids, Allen and Terry are able to shine, finding an embezzlement scheme that will cement them as heroes. The set ups and homages are great, the backstory for Allen being such a push over was hilarious and Mark Wahlberg as Terry is the perfect pushing force behind the duo. Will and Mark work well, it shows on screen.

On the other half of the equation is the action which was done really well too. Some great action scenes were cooked up and executed really well, it wasn’t half assed. It complements the comedy side really well making a whole package of funny dialog with fun action scenes (car stunts are a real highlight). Check it out, I really liked it.

RED the Review

Retired and Extremely Dangerous is a fun action movie. Based on a graphic novel, Frank Moses is a retired CIA agent who is cruising through his life when danger comes to his doorstep. Requiring the help of some old friends and colleagues, Frank goes after the people who now deem him a serious threat.

RED is probably the best movie Bruce Willis has made in awhile, though I do find it hard to see Bruce Willis as playing anyone but Bruce Willis. Maybe he’s been rocking that same bald head for so long? Or that he seems to play the same character all the time. Denzel Washington has the same problem, although from his perspective that isn’t a problem. The rest of the cast is great though, I like Mary-Louis Parker, Helen Mirren plays a fun character and John Malkovich is always a treat when he gets to run around in a character with a few screws loose.

It’s a solid action movie from start to finish. They stretch the action to some unbelievable lengths on occasion, but it’s relatively real and they don’t go too far in the comic book direction. Hand to hand fights are done really well, the direction is nice and clean. The story isn’t insulting either so I can give this one a good recommendation.

Old Korn Videos

This is just the start of the flood of old school Korn videos that have been showing up on YouTube in the past 2 weeks. The homemade movies that were made in 1996 around the time Life Is Peachy was made have been falling into the hands of some very generous fans. A lot of the stuff can be seen in the Who Then Now? DVD. The band was well on it’s way to super stardom and they were all about 25 years old here. You can see the passion and energy that made them one of the biggest metal bands in the world.

You can see quite a few videos from Kornmemorablia’s YT channel and the site is worth visiting too, Roger has an amazing collection.