Movie Review Triple Threat!

Some quick hits to completely catch me up!

Contagion– Remember the movie Outbreak? This is a new viral threat movie, but minus those pesky monkeys. Director Steven Soderbergh continues his solid legacy with this one. It’s a straight forward epidemic movie that’s going to make you want to wash your hands the second the credits roll. Gwyneth Paltrow is close to patient zero, in fact she brings it to the States. Never trust her.

Outrage-Yakuza! A big name boss needs a group of drug trafficers to be brought under control. He tells his right hand man to handle it who then passes it on to the guy below him. It doesn’t go well. Mistakes and misunderstandings are made and a whole lot of people end up paying with their lives. Beat Takeshi is the most well known actor here and he does his standard quality tough man gig here. Pretty good, but I’d only recommend it to yakuza genre fans.

30 Minutes or Less– This one got alot of weird looks when it came out because it kind of mimics a real life event where a pizza delivery guy actually had a bomb strapped to him and forced to rob a bank (he didn’t live). I don’t really see how this teased or made fun of that mans unfortunate end, but that might be just one of those things that people who like to get offended over cling to.

I watched this for the cast as I really like Eisenberg, Ansari, Swardson and McBride. It’s not a laugh a minute, but there is some great dialog and character interaction here and at 80 minutes long it doesn’t overstay its welcome. McBride and Swardson are a pair of dummies who get the idea of opening a massage parlor, but they don’t have the money to invest in it. But, McBride’s father does! They hire a hit man to take him out so McBride can get the inheritance but need 100 grand for the hitman. They spot Eiseneberg and decided to force him to rob a bank to put their plan into action.

It’s not going to win any awards, there is a love plot that really doesn’t mean much in the end and it’s not the funniest movie ever made, but I don’t think the movie deserved all the hate it got. Good rental to kill a rainy afternoon.

The Adventures of Tintin the Review

Tintinis an old comic created by Herge. Huge in Europe, Tintin never really caught on here. He’s a young detective who solves wondrous globe spanning mysteries with his trusty dog Snowy. A menagerie of characters accompany and hinder Tintin in the many stories that Herge wrote over a 50 year span.

This movie, spearheaded by Stephen Spielberg and Peter Jackson merges 2 stories, “The Crab with the Golden Claws” and “The Secret of the Unicorn”. The film feels and looks a lot like an Indiana Jones movie ( a lot better than Crystal Skull). It takes place in 1930 in various dusty locals around the world. The visuals are the most striking of all, by far the best motion capture based animation films I’ve seen. Realistic character movement and facial animation, incredible environmental effects. Easily on par with the best Pixar has offered to date. Given the virtual space, Spielberg went with a full digital camera system (as first used in 2006’s Monster House I think). This allowed him to move the camera around in ways that’s impossible to do in real life. The action set pieces often use these sweeping and long camera takes that are pretty breathtaking to be hold.

It’s a really well made movie, a lot of care and work went into this. Not being familiar with the original works, I can’t comment on how well they translated Tintin to the screen, but I liked what I saw. It’s a fun, adventurous story with memorable characters and great action. Recommended to everyone.

21 Jump Street the Review

Remake or reboot? Either way Jonah Hill took on the task of reimagining the 80’s show for the movies and it works surprisingly well.

21 Jump Street is an undercover cop unit that infiltrates high schools to stop the growing scourge of illicit drugs. Here it’s a new synthetic drug that the authorities want stopped before it spreads to other schools. Schmidt (Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) went to this school 7 years ago and became friends while going to police academy after graduation. A botched arrest puts them on this new task force where they need to find the dealer and then the supplier of the drug.

It’s a funny buddy cop movie, Hill and Tatum have a real chemistry that the movie really relys on. While the movie does go through the motions, some slight twists and bumps were wisely put in to keep it new and interesting. Great cameos by the main cast of the TV show give a nice final touch on the whole experience. I’d say it makes a quality rental.

Cowboys & Aliens the Review

Cowboys & Aliens has some pretty serious names behind it. Director Jon Favreau, stars Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford are the headliners. The idea for the movie is cool too: in 1873 a alien invasion starts abducting people in Wild Wild West Arizona. The local law and natives are forced to work together to get their people back and fight off the aliens.

The movie is well made too, all the quality Hollywood production is there and accounted for…but it’s a really average flick. Nothing about it feels new or fresh, like it’s just going through the motions. It’s not a bad movie, it’s just surprisingly dull. A rental at best. Like if you’re sick and need something to distract your soupy brains for a bit.

Movie Review Mayhem

The first backlog of 2012! I have a few flicks under me that I haven’t talked about so let’s get to it.

Horrible Bosses– A great dark comedy. Three friends each have horrible bosses (is that where the title comes from?) and when things get to the boiling point, a tri-murder plot is hatched. Being average guys of average intellegence and a nice nature, they’re not too sure what to do. Bumbling and awkward situations ahoy!

Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day are awesome together. Great casting really makes this movie work, I had a good time with it. Perfect length for a comedy, full of funny and memorable characters.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes– A mouthful of a title, but a hell of a movie! There was a lot of raised eyebrows on this one before it came out, but it surprised everyone (me included). Really well made, damn good cast, nothing that insults the audiences intelligence. Some of the best special effects bring these Apes to life, making them appear to be actual characters than just something made in a computer that can be easily dismissed. Excellent writing and pacing, the motion capture and animation makes for some really great story telling since the scenes with just the apes have no dialog. Powerful stuff a big congratulations to everyone who had a hand making it. Highly recommended.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides-The franchise was pretty much saved with this one. Not as good as the first, but a big step up from the third which was a mess of a movie (2 was good, but didn’t live up to the original). Johnny Depp does his thing here which is all anyone really looks for. A much more cohesive plot and action pieces with a satisfying ending. They really pulled things together for this one while keeping the crazy production values.

Conan the Barbarian– I wanted to like this a lot more than I did. It’s just really lopsided. Maybe the script was really good but it just didn’t all make it on screen as it should? The cast is good but the acting is all over the place. It looks good, the special effects are all done well for the most part. Some fun action scenes, but it’s all forgettable. I can’t really pick out why, it’s just an average at best film. You really aren’t missing anything if you don’t see it.

Kung Fu Panda 2– A solid sequel. If you liked the first one, jump right in. The best from Dreamworks Animation since How To Train Your Dragon. Po’s adventures continue with all of your favorte characters back with a great new villain. It looks fantastic too!

Fast Five– I can’t believe I didn’t write about this earlier, I watched it awhile ago. Probably my favorite action flick of 2011. I’m not a big fan of the FF franchise, but this one knocked it out of the park from beginning to end. Such a a great idea to get everyone back, really well written and some expert direction at work here. All the best characters are back and The Rock is a great addition as the law. He fits in perfectly and watching him and Vin Diesel butt heads is a ton of fun. The bank heist angle is a great twist for the franchise and the special effects are amazing (the should have gotten a Oscar nom).

Super 8– Another movie I liked a lot. The hype behind this JJ Abrams flick was massive and while it didn’t meet everyone’s expectations, I think it got the job done. A throw back to 80’s Spielberg, Super 8 is the adventure of a group of young kids who’s town is the epicenter of an alien escape. A fun movie with an awesome cast, check it out.

Waiting For Superman the Review

If you want to watch really good cinema these days, you can pretty much turn to documentaries to see the best stuff you could ever want to see. There’s a lot of stuff going on in the world and a lot of people brave and talented enough to cover it.

Enter Waiting For Superman. It’s about the failing US Public School system. The system has been on the decline for about 40 years now and the growing global economy is exacerbating the problem(s). Soon the United States won’t have the higher educated population to fill the high demand/paying jobs of the coming job market(s).

It’s a problem that has festered in a system that hasn’t changed to adapt to the changing world. There are people in power (two massive teachers unions in particular) that refuse to admit the problem and will not allow forward thinking people make the new steps we need. Time and a mind boggling amount of money is wasted every year. Waiting For Superman gives a very clear picture of today’s education system by following 5 students; showing what is really happening to real students all over the nation of every economic class.

A must watch.

Your Highness the Review

They don’t make many fantasy comedy movies, especially since comic book and remakes have taken over Hollywood. I’m a fan of Danny McBride’s style of comedy (rude, crude and obnoxious) and that mixed into a fantasy setting really clicked with me. There aren’t too many movies like Your Highness out there. It sticks to the fantasy formula (damsel in distress, magic, sword fighting, mythical creatures) but has enough ideas of it’s own to keep things interesting. The creative cursing helps too.

Thadeous (Danny McBride) is a bum of a prince and reluctantly goes along on adventure with his brother Fabious (James Franco) to save his girlfriend from an evil wizard. McBride and Franco are an awesome team (as first seen in Pineapple Express) and the whole movie pretty much rides on them. They’re surrounded by some great people (Natalie Portman and Rasmus Hardiker in particular) which results in some really funny moments. The laughs come in a few bursts, but on the whole I thought it was pretty funny. The movie is helped greatly by some quality special effects work, they managed to get a legit budget for this goofy project and hooked up with some companies who really knew what they were doing.

McBride and director/friend David Gordan Green know and work really well with each other and it really shows in their projects. I look forward to all the stuff they do.

Repeater: We Walk From Safety

I contributed to Repeater’s Kickstarter back in August if I remember right. It was to get the Ross Robinson produced album “We Walk From Safety” into physical form. Got it last week!

More people need to hear this band, they are so good. The first 3 videos listed are Repeater. Real, honest and creative rock music. It’s a great album as a whole, there is so much to like. These guys are so good at what they do, Steve has a ridiculous voice. The bass is consistently awesome, drums are creative, sweeping and crushing guitar work.

Knowing Every Weakness has officially entered my Favorite Tracks Of All Time List, I can’t get enough of it. Rocks so much I put it on repeat (no pun intended). Please check these guys out!

Inside Job

The Inside Job is one of the most important documentaries ever made. I’m late to the party on trumpeting it’s merits, but as the economy is still in the toilet and we are headed for the presidential election, it’s still timely. Inside Job is story of how the financial collapse of 2008 happened. If you know nothing, a little, or all about it you must watch this film and tell everyone you know about it. 99% of the world got screwed and nothing happened to the scum that did it. In fact, they made even more money when it all did collapse. Everyone needs to know the facts of what mind boggling greed does. Pay attention and let’s try to keep it from happening again by calling for extreme reform of Wall Street. A must watch.

Haywire the Review

Pro MMA fighter, Gina Carano makes her film debut in Haywire. I was in the mood for an action movie and Haywire fit the bill. The tale is simple, Malory is a black op for hire. You need someone taken out, someone extracted or the like and she can probably help you out. After a mission from her employer, she’s sent on another “quick and easy” assignment where she’s betrayed by her boss to seal up a shady deal. Quick to sense something is wrong, Malory goes on the run and out for blood to get her revenge.

Direct and to the point story with a stacked supporting cast. Gina is a real fighter and it shows on screen. The fight scenes are all her and all awesome. Just brutal and creative, each globe trotting action scene is a lot of fun to watch. She’s a promising actress too! Her voice was altered (I think to make it more rough, she sounds very feminine in intervews) but for her first time out I was totally impressed. I hope this is just the start of a long career, I dig her a lot.

Harmonix has finally come through

Korn is finally on Rock Band. Yes, “Word Up” is on Lego Rock Band, but that is a terrible cover of a terrible song so it doesn’t count. Freak on A Leash was in Guitar Hero 4 or 5, but this makes it official.

Freak On A Leash and Falling Away From Me are now in my library. I stopped buying tracks about a year ago in protest, it was down right ridiculous that Korn didn’t make it in after freaking Ramstein, who had one notable song in the US in 1998, did. It was some serious conspiracy stuff! There’s probably about a dozen bands that Korn opened the door for that had DLC added over the years, but not a drop for Korn (was it a label issue? Sony and Road Runner are well represented in RB though…). I can only hope this does well enough for them to add more, there’s a ton of good songs that would fit well. Would have been great if they released these tracks when the franchise was still huge. But I digress, 2 songs is a treat for me. Playing on Medium Pro drums is actually more difficult than playing on Hard Pro. There’s so many notes taken out that it’s really hard to follow, the chart looks so wrong. FOAL is a lot of fun in particular, the drum pattern is really unusual.

Mischief Managed

After being on the injured reserve list for the passed 6 days, I watched Deathly Hallows pt 2 (I think I’m going to watch it again), finished reading Book 6 and just finished Book 7 a few minutes ago (I practically ate the book..I did it in like 4 days). That’s the 3rd time I’ve read Deathly and the first time I’ve read the whole story in a row. It’s a hell of a story man! Seems kind of passe to talk about it now since it’s been over for years now, but it really stands up. Rowling had a really clear vision from the start of the journey she wanted to write. There’s all sorts of plot points that thread around every book and most of it is explained well (there’s a lot of world lore that comes into effect in 7). Considering the story goes for around 4,000 pages (US Hardcover editions) it’s amazing that Rowling manged to keep everything so strong for that long.

The first 2 books can certainly be called children’s books, but the further you go the more complex and adult it gets. There’s a lot of intense real world adult content that takes place. It’s a story that took 10 years to write so the audience grew with it. If I gave it to a kid, I’d probably start around age 8 and give them each book a year apart. I’d blather on more, but there’s so much to cover, it’s easier to talk about in person. Years later I’ve come to appreciate the ending more. I still feel like it was cut short, she could have easily written more, but I think I understand her intent. It’s still a powerful and focused finale. That said if Rowling ever wrote more, whether that be filling in gaps at the end of 7 and the epilogue or anything before or after the story, I’d be there day one. I have a couple problems with the books (she sticks very closely to a timeline and event formula), but I can’t honestly call out anything that really bothers me about what she’s written. It completely grabbed me the same way it did when I first read it which is amazing. I’m such a fan that I pretty much shrug off any criticisms I hear or read about it…you have to read every word of the books to understand it.

The movies are a big success too. Cast and crew did they’re all out best and it really shows (I see the main cast when I read the books now). Sure tons of stuff was taken out, but that always happens from page to screen. I question some things more than others, but it all works in the end. Anyone can say they’d do better if they had a crack at it, but I think very few could. It’s a daunting task to start, and hindsight is always 20/20 so you have a finished product that you can easily criticize about what did and didn’t work. I wonder if the books will ever be done in long animated form. The fan in me would love to watch every bit of the journey; there are so many great characters and moments in there. Will they ever remake the movies? Seems hard to believe but you gotta think that some decade down the line they will.