Cornea Transplant: Week 5

This is more like week 6, but who’s counting. Had a check up on Thursday and it went well. The blood shot eye is just that, a broken blood vessel. Maybe from a sneeze or something, but Dr. Perl said it’s nothing to worry about. It usually takes 3 weeks to go away (I’m almost at 2 weeks and it’s much better) and it won’t/doesn’t affect the surgical area. Pain really isn’t there, although I think I got soap in it a few days ago. That hurt. I get the occasional itchy feeling. Sensitivity to light is good too.

The eye is on track, the transplant looks healthy and he removed one stitch. I have been wondering how that was going to work and the answer is: With a tweezer! I thought he was going to pluck a rogue eyelash but no, he plucked that sucker out like a pro. Didn’t hurt…I can’t really describe the feeling. Like peeling an old band aid, that feeling where you can feel the adhesive give and the skin kinda snaps free? Plucking a hair might be a better fit, but much easier. There’s 7 more and one that goes all the way around the surgery line. The blurriness is still very apparent but there’s nothing to do but keep up with the anti rejection drops and let it fit into place. Depending on the lighting it’s hard to notice or pretty bad. At it’s worse there’s like a double/triple halo effect. It’s not as bad as pre-op , it’s just different. Still about 2 months for the recovery time to end so I’m expecting great improvement. On the right track which feels good.

The Campaign the Review

The Campaign is Will Ferrell and Jay Roach’s latest tag team effort. Calling an audible they take on another sport: politics. Ferrell plays Cam Brady who is a long sitting Congressman for the state of North Carolina. When the Motch brothers decide to swing influence in the favor of their mega corporation they tap the unwitting Marty Huggins (a beardless Zach Galifianakis), an innocent, doe eyed director at the local tourism center.

There’s some really funny parts here, but they’re spread apart pretty far. It’s a big hill and valley kind of ride with this movie. At times it felt a little too real despite all of the more outlandish moments. There’s a kernel of truth to each outlandish set up that kind of marred the experience to me. While fitting for the times we’re in with a good cast, I can’t shake the feeling that this is a better rental than a full ticket price movie.

Summer Television

The summer television season is coming to a close and it’s been a good one. First and foremost is Breaking Bad which continues to be the best television show airing right now. I could blabber on but anything more is really reedundant, the quality and intensity of this show has never dipped or faultered, Last weeks episode sent shockwaves through the entire fanbase for being so incredible. We get to see the aftermath tonight. There’s only 3 more shows until the break into next year!

Falling Skies is my sci-fi show which ends tonight. Better than last season for sure. We are show a lot more, some interesting developments and the posibility of an alien rebellion opens things up. The promos for the season finale look promising.

Franklin and Bash continued to fun as well. It just struck me that it’s the only lawyer show I watch. Even though the season is very short by network television standards, it always seems to fly by. Looking forward to season 3 next year.

Face Off comes back this week! I love this make up compitition show, I can’t believe no one thought of doing it sooner. Can’t wait to see the talent they’ve found this year.

Louie continues to be the most anti typical comedy out there. He’s in a different head space than anyone else.

Futurama has been on a roll! After the mediocre movie pieces that stretched for a few years, finding a normal season pace on Comedy Central has put the show right back in the sweet spot. These recent episode continue the quality from last season with great character specific episodes that build on why the show is so popular (the nerd jokes are great too). The animation is fantastic too.

Season 2 of Wilfred continues to be one of my favorite new shows. It walks the sick and twisted line with a certain amount of honesty and love that I really like. The chemistry between Jason and Elijah is what really makes Wilfred work.

Children’s Hospital just came back on those maniacs keep crushing it. I was a little late to the party, starting with season 3 but quickly watched the first two seasons. So funny, it scratches that same itch that Always Sunny in Philly does. I’m going to go on record and say that Ken Marino is a comedic genius. He’s been in the game for a long time now, but not enough people know about him. I hope he really hits it big in the future.

Weeds is on it’s last season! Good! Seriously. It’s time to bring this show in for a landing. It’s not the worst show, but it certainly isn’t the best. I still feel invested in the characters and really just watch to see how it ends.

Episodes is a show that I’m not sure why I watch. I’m not sure I can explain why. I guess because it’s kind of behind the scenes of a (fake) TV show that I like to watch it? I think it’s just grown on me like a fungus. I’m not a Matt LeBlanc fan, but I like that he’s playing up himself on the show.

True Blood remains on the top of the heap for the best bad show on TV. It’s a guilty pleasure, what can I say. Interesting season and I’m really impressed with the FX for the smoke monster that’s been chasing Andy, it looks amazing.

I can’t remember if I wrote about Korra since it ended, so I’ll just throw that here anyway. The finale was kinda weird due to it really wrapping things up, but I can’t really complain about such a good show. Best animation on TV by miles, it’s a joy to see in HD. Great VO and the soundtrack is spectacular. Truly unique action scenes and the continuation of one of my favorite universes makes this show one of my favorites. It’s going for a full 4 seasons so there is a lot to look forward to.

Cornea Transplant: Week 4

Vision wise, I really haven’t noticed a change. Very blurry, almost a triple vision effect with certain lighting situations. The visual difference from pre and post op really is just a different kind of visual impairment. Right now I’d say it wasn’t worth it, but this is expected and have 2 more months of real recovery to go.

Last week my eye got really blood shot. The whole left corner was blood red, looked like a horror movie effect. I never felt anything happen, it just seemed to happen. When I called the doctor they said if there is no pain, it’s okay. There’s a lot going on in there and this gruesomeness is apparently normal. If it got worse, or started to hurt it may be a problem. It’s now 11 days later and it does look better. That trauma or whatever is slowly getting better, but it still looks gross. There is a pretty distinct blood clot looking thing just to the left of my retina, where the white part of the eye starts. Gotta wait it out, I’m due for an eye drop now actually.

The Dark Knight Rises the Review

I’m a huge Batman fan, so I have a obvious bias towards these movies. I love Christopher Nolan’s work and I’ve loved the first two Nolan Batman movies. I like the vision he and his team created and ran with.

I watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight just before going to The Dark Knight Rises. So glad I did, it refreshed me on each story and the overall arc of the trilogy. A lot comes back into play in Rises and being immediately familiar helped me enjoy the movie even more.

This is a really epic movie, the scope is huge, and coming from TDK, that’s saying something. While the Joker was anarchy, Bane is a more militant and physical threat. Pulling off a huge overthrow of Gotham, Bane takes complete control of the city while leaving its already “disgraced” hero broken and shattered. The villains win for most of this movie, giving a real sense of a phoenix rising mentality to the end of this Baman tale.

It’s a dark and complex world that Bruce Wayne has found himself in. He relies a lot on friends in this one, especially Jim Gordon and most notably Selina Kyle (Catwoman). I’ve never been a fan of Anne Hathaway, but she completely won me over in her take on Selina. Hathway takes a refreshing spin on Michelle Pfeiffers ‘ Catwoman. She’s sexy and sneaky, but she doesn’t have the feral nature that Pfeiffer goes with. She works really well in scenes with Bruce Wayne and Batman. Tom Hardy also impressed me as Bane, a real unique and daring bit of work (which really describes Rises as a whole to me). Heath Ledger as Joker is the Everest of character acting and while Bane really isn’t as strong of a character, his presence and actions are unique and leave a lasting impression. Joseph Gordon-Levitt as police officer Blake is another wonderful addition, he’s one of the best actors working today.

The movie just looks amazing, there are so many amazing shots and set ups, it’s just too much to describe. The vision and scope is immense and matched perfectly by Hans Zimmer’s powerful score. Christopher Nolan does as much in camera as he can and uses CG to augment the special effects only when necessary. Stunt guys all over the place, very little obvious CG elements, the integration of the real and the fantasy is tightly knit together.

Christopher Nolan likes to keep brewing his story from start to finish and that often makes things more messy than it needs to be. At two hours and forty minutes, Rises is a wicker basket of a story. The set up of a cleaned up city that is still rotten, Bruce Wayne’s tortured soul from the events of the last film, Bane’s underground moves to take over, all the chess pieces of old and new characters being moved around. There’s a lot of foreshadowing and if you know the Batman stories, the big reveal isn’t a reveal. When everything is working, I’m completely sucked in to the world. In the first chase scene with Batman, he’s on the Bat Pod when he goes into a tunnel and hits an EMP device to disable the lights and vehicles around him. You see his shadow flitting around the cop cars and then his glorious reveal as he starts taking down the bad guys actually gave me a head rush. A super hero come to life right in front of me. A few minutes later the introduction of Batman’s new ride The Bat from the alley way? Forget it, just so cool it made me smile like a 6 year old. But when the movie missteps, it feels that much more odd, like a jolt to a train car. Sometimes it’s little things like dialog that could have been improved. Then there are the odd bits of comic book logic and/or strange editing (the opening action sequence would leave wreckage for about 20 miles, wouldn’t look like an accident, sudden skips of time that can be hard to keep track of, how did Bruce get from the prison to Gotham and find who he needed right out the gate at just the right time). The choice to make Gotham not look like Gotham from each movie is really odd though. TDK was Chicago and Rises is mostly NYC and Philly, the aesthetic that Begins started was dropped for reasons I can’t think of. Thankfully it’s nothing that ruined the experience for me. Most of the problems I have I think could be fixed with some different editing choices.

As the credits rolled I felt really satisfied. The Batman book that Nolan brought to us in seven years was complete using his own words and images. The end is a mixture of emotions with some awesome visuals (I just can’t keep saying that enough) that filled me with hope. Even in great darkness, good will always be there to fight evil. Now someone give Nolan the directors chair for the next James Bond movie.

The Amazing Spiderman the Review

After Sam Raimi and company piledrove the Spiderman films into the dirt with Spiderman 3 in 2007, Sony needed to kick start their franchise again (for legal and creative differences). The Amazing Spiderman reboot is the result and it’s pretty much a success.

I consider the first move to be overrated, 2 is a truley great movie and 3 is a complete mess. Here we are given a new cast, new director, new stunt team, slightly new story. Here’s the main problem with the movie: it’s a reboot. There’s really no reason to do an origin story again when it’s only a decade after it was first brought to the movies. This could have just been a direct sequel, ignoring anything that happened in 3. Everyone knows the start so it’s just redundant. That said, it’s done well. A different take on the Peter Parker and Uncle Ben catalyst for the superhero starts us off and thankfully they’ve done with a new villain with Dr. Curt Connors (The Lizard).

I really liked the new cast, Andrew Garfield is a perfect Peter Parker and Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy is a perfect match. I didn’t miss Tobey Maguire at all. He’s more of the comic smart ass here and they have him using mechanical web shooters like the comic as well. It’s a nicely layered movie, it’s a smooth track to setting up the loveable teenager to heroic hero as the stakes are gradually ratcheted up. “With great power comes great responsibility” is well at work here.

The unique fight scenes are great, really pushing the difference between Spiderman and all other superheroes abilities. There’s a great weight to all the hits but the quickness of a super nimble person. It’s a lot of fun to watch him disable people with webbing and then swing around different ways in each scene. The 3D isn’t anything really worth mentioning. It’s used subtly in dialog scenes but there is next to no separation during the big action scenes. There’s some great work done with traveling as Spiderman in the first person perspective, but it looked surprisingly flat in 3D. There either very little visual depth or the background is in such a blur the whole image just turns into a streak. Not worth the money.

I think it’s worth watching, if only to get another one with this cast. Spiderman has some life in him, something I didn’t think was possible after watching 3.

Cornea Transplant: Week 3

18 Days in, no real pain but it feels odd at times, like an irritation. Yesterday I noticed the first change in light sensitivity for the better so that’s a real tangible improvement in a few days. Waters the most if it’s too bright, but that’s not much of an issue any more. Still very blurry, get a double vision on text.

Movie Review. Review!

I’ve watched a lot of stuff in the past few weeks from being off work and healing up the old eyeball. Gaming was too much of a strain so I stuck to TV and movies. So much so that it makes the most sense to make a quick hits post for it all.

Tower Heist A good movie until the last act where it turns too Hollywood. Ben Stiller leads the cast of this Robin Hood like heist movie. It’s a fun story, but when they throw plausibility out the window to get to the end, it really ruined it for me.

Safe House Excellent rental. Ryan Reynolds shows up in another movie, this time teamed up with/against Denzel Washington as the bad guy. A fun concept that’s pulled off well. Interesting action scenes, perfect run time, solid movie.

Beats Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest Really liked this documentary on a Tribe Called Quest. Fantastic soundtrack to a terrific story. Taking the viewer back to the real honest and pure days of hip hop, Beats gives the fantastic journey of one of the most influential groups in the game. The nucleus of this is the rift that came between Q Tip and Phife Dawg…a power and respect struggle that stretched for years. Director Michael Rapaport tries to lay everything out as honestly as possible and I think he accomplished that. Keeping it all down to a reasonable runtime restricts the full story and I’m not too sure who was in the wrong. I can see both angles from their specific sides…I’m really left thinking that they’re both in the right. Just personality clashes that couldn’t be avoided. Growing up seems to have helped in the end. Highly recommended.

Jeff, Who Lives At Home An arrested development coming of age tale. I’m a fan of Jason Segel and really makes the Jeff character work. Ed Helms as his brother was great casting, they work well together.

Everything Must Go This one is in the same genre as Jeff, Who Lives At Home. Will Ferrell plays Nick, a middle management type at a car dealership who has an alcoholic relapse. It costs him his job and his wife, planting him squarely on his front lawn for some self-reflection and character building. I’m a Will Ferrell fan and I like when he takes the roles where he’s not an athlete of any kind. With a more grounded role he doesn’t do anything wacky here but he is a sad character. Sad is actually too strong of a word, he’s just in a low place in his life. While being sad and angry with his life, he doesn’t grate on you. Will brings a certain level of compassion and likeability to Nick and his growing relationships with his neighbors Kenny and Samantha is a good one. While this isn’t really an original tale (changing your life, moving on, father/son relationship) it is a solid one.

Warrior I’ve read a lot of good things about this one, but the entire time I watched it, I couldn’t stop thinking about how much better The Fighter is. It’s easy to compare the two with the story focused on two brothers and fighting (MMA and Boxing), but I thought the characters of The Fighter were just way better. While Warrior is well made with some good acting (I like Tom Hardy a lot), nothing about it made me think that The Fighter is not the better use of the medium.

The Woman in Black I watched this movie specifically for Daniel Radcliffe and it’s so boring that I wish I didn’t. Dark hallways and jump scares fill this movie and that’s about it. Don’t bother, just watch one of the Paranormal Activity movies if you are looking to scratch that ghost story itch.

Underworld: Awakening Kate Beckinsale back in skin tight lycra suit! Besides the obvious eye candy, Awakening continues this competent Werewolf Vs vampire franchise. Enter a new found daughter for Selene to protect and the stage is set for some more carnage. If you like the other Underworld movies, dive right in. If not, it really doesn’t mess with the formula so you won’t be missing anything.

Cornea Transplant: Week 2

Every day a little bit better. Pain isn’t really an issue, it feels irritated from time to time. That itchy feeling sometimes. Still pretty sensitive to light so I wear the sunglasses all the time. Down to 4 drops a day from 10 after seeing the Dr. on Thursday so that’s a great relief. Much easier to manage and the tearing is less (although it’s still really annoying. The blurriness is still a problem, but again a little bit better every day. That’ll probably be fine when the sensitivity to light subsides. That could be a while, but it’s definitely healing.

Cornea Transplant: Week 1

Just about a week into this. It sucks. The procedure itself was really easy. Got to the hospital at 6am, procedure started around 7:15 and I was on the way home at 9:30. They got it down to a science, a well oild machine even! Knocked out for the numbing shots and drops. I think I remember most of the actual surgery. Had no idea I was knocked out at all which is a really strange feeling. Pain started around 4:30 when the shots and stuff wore off.

The pain is the easy part, it’s just a stinging sensation. Feels like I had sand in my eye or something. Tylenol kept the worst of it at bay and as of Sunday, the pain is almost all gone. What sucks is the CONSTANT tears. Like my brain is convinced there is something in there that can we washed out and it just does it all waking hours. The drops don’t help that. And the drops! Nine to ten a day! It’s more annoying than anything. Having your day chopped up based on a 2 to 4 hour eye drop regement gets old really fast. Super sensitivity to light and Ultra Blur makes it very hard to keep my left eye open for very long. It’s a really mentally tiring day.

Haven’t driven in a week, I hope to get back by Friday. Technically I could, but I’m not comfortable with it yet. Been having really weird dreams all week too, seen a lot of high school people for some reason, one serial killer nightmare and last night I had a Batman movie dream. Turns out my mind is a fantastic director even if each scene makes less sense than the last one. Wake up a lot too, wearing a guard over they eye will never be comfortable. Interestingly, I’ve been linking dreams a lot whenever I wake up and fall asleep again.

This recovery looks to be a long one, a week in and I just want to be able to keep my eye open for more than 10 seconds at a time. To read and play videogames! Really want to see The Dark Knight Rises, my ultimate prize just waiting there.

Time for some eye drops.

That’s a tidal wave

This week has finally arrived. In order, I have cornea transplant surgery tomorrow morning on my left eye. Then, on Friday, The Dark Knight Rises is released to the world. Oh yeah, that’ s my last day at work. Eight years and I’m out, massive downsizing for the company. It’s been months since I’ve been counting down to this week and it’s a surreal experience. Excitement, anxiety…fear? Fear.

I’m probably making the surgery out to me much worse than it will be in my head, but I really don’t want to do it. Not looking forward to it, but that’s how these things go. My vision is such crap though that I can’t ignore. I have the insurance so let’s pull the trigger. If all goes well this will just be a blip on the radar.

Batman, not sure when I’m going to see that. Probably next week. IMAX it up, I’ll probably end up seeing it twice if it’s as good as I hope it is.

I keep thinking being unemployed is going to be like a vacation. I don’t think I ever took off more than week in 8 years. 10 days in a row, tops. Maybe I did that once, I was always trying to save days off. Working Saturday for all of those years.

I have a few movies to write about, watch quite a few in the passed 2 days. I’ll probably get to that on Thursday, do at least one. Now that I won’t be typing for someone else all day I’ll feel up to writing more on my own.

Lots of good Summer TV too, Breaking Bad is finally back and it’s a super strong start to season five. I’ll write some more on that too. Early night tonight, gotta be at the hospital at 6am. I hate mornings.

Brave the Review

Brave is a beautiful story from a beautiful company. Pixar has quite the track record in animated films and I’m happy to see Brave continue the tradition. Family values are the center piece of this one which is always a solid foundation to build on. Mix in some fairytale mythos and you’ve got a movie that will be remembered fondly for generations.

Princess Merida is a very strong willed and determined young woman. When thrust into the tradition of betrothal, Merida rebels and mistakenly unleashes a curse that threatens to ruin everything she knows and cares for. It’s a simple tale with a neat little twist filled with endearing characters that you can’t help but root for.

As with every release, Pixar updates their visual game with some of the best animation in the world. The landscapes are just stunning, the character designs are unique and charming and all the special effects make for a truly believable world. I was surprised at how much slap stick humor was in this one, but I didn’t think it distracted from anything. The voice cast goes a long way too, some great performances throughout (Kelly Macdonald in particular, I’m a big fan of hers).

The Pixar name sets a certain bar of expectation and I think Brave fits into the family very well. With the two Cars movies giving me the only sense of “ho-hum” from this studio I am happy to see this return to form. It’s a really well made story for kids and adults, with a real vibe of love and care pushing it forward. There’s a fun lead in, a dramatic turn and then a courageous mad dash at the end. Now while it’s not my favorite Pixar movie, Brave is better than most movies released today.