Head returns!

Last year Brian “Head” Welch played on stage with Korn for the first time since 2005. It was a sign that their relationship was returning. Then a few months ago, it was announced that Head would be playing a few summer festival dates with Korn in Europe (with his band Love and Death in tow). Then came the US tour dates, which kick off their entire summer tour (I’m going May 22nd, couldn’t pass up seeing a show with Head back).

Now it’s official, Head has rejoined Korn! He’s been recording new material with them since January! The sample in the video above makes me happy beyond words. It is so beautiful, I can hardly believe it. 10 years since he was on an album and 8 since he left the band. There have been little bread crumbs sprinkled about for a return. I was happy to hear that he had reconnected with Fieldy around 2010 and slowly began mending bridges with JD and Munk. The guys I had listened to and loved since high school were becoming friends again. Head playing a song on stage, then a video from producer Ross Robinson saying exciting things were happening for Korn. Now this teaser video of the sounds that are to come? I had high hopes for the album before, with Don Gilmore producing and the early word that it was going to be a return to a more guitar focus sound over Path of Totality’s experimental dubstep fusion. Now with Head back in the lab with Munky? My two favorite guitarists creating together again? This album could knock me right out of my moon boots!

Oblivion the Review

Tom Cruise and sci-fi mix really well. Check out TC’s resume and you will probably agree. I went into Oblivion pretty much on faith that Cruise picks neat sci fi movies to be in. The idea is cool, it looked neat, so why not go for it.

Around 2077 aliens come a knocking and give humanity quite the beating. Our moon in destroyed which puts the Earth’s environment into chaos; earthquakes and tsunamis ravage the land. Then they land for a more hands invasion. Humanity manages to fight back, using what seems to be every nuke we have to win. But the Earth is devastated, it’s inhospitable for man, so those that make it through alive settle on Titan, one of the moons that circle Saturn. Jack and Victoria are stationed on Earth, taking care of the drones that protect the huge machines that sit in the ocean to generate power for humanity on Titan. In time, the Earth will heal and man will be able to come home.

Jack and Victoria have been stationed on Earth for a number of years in contact with Mission control, who help monitor and protect the assets on Earth. They are a few days away from being retired from their shift. Jack (Tom Cruise) is a technician, he can fix the drones that zoom about, so he gets to leave the platform in a cool flying craft that he and Victoria live in and operate out of (Victoria never leaves). When a human craft from decades ago crashes nearby, everything Jack and Victoria know is thrown into question.

Oblivion is a well made movie. Super high production; the future tech looks cool and real, there’s been a lot of thought and care put into this dystopian world. Acting is solid, music is great, the whole package. It’s a cool story too! It’s just that it’s been done before. This is just a more expensive Moon which came out a few years ago (my review). That’s the biggest downfall for me. I’ve seen this movie before, just with less action. While it’s not the exact same movie as there are a number of significant differences, but it’s easy to predict where Oblivion is going even if you haven’t seen Moon (and you should). It follows sci-fi tropes practically paint-by- number.

It’s actually a better movie if you haven’t seen Moon. I say rent it since it really is a good movie, I was just let down since it didn’t do anything new.

Trance the Review

I’m a big fan of Danny Boyle, I think he’s one of the best directors working today. He spans a wide variety of genres, takes an interesting spin on what’s been done before and has a really creative eye with a camera. Trance fits the psychological thriller mold which is one of my favorites, so I was onboard when I found out about this flick. It let me down though and I’m not sure why.

Simon is an art auctioneer who makes the daring move to steal a multi-million dollar painting. He’s set up the heist with 4 other people and when he takes a bump to the head, he wakes up with them breathing down his neck because the painting is gone. Simon was going for the double cross but can’t remember what he did with the painting. With the help of a hypnotherapist, they try to get Simon to remember.

I really like the idea! It’s cool, offers a lot of possibilities and there is some real crazy stuff in this flick. The cast is great (I really like James McAvoy and Rosario Dawson), solid acting all around, some wild production a cool twist or two…everything I like. But it never really clicked with me. I’m at a loss as to why too. It’s well paced and I was never bored. It feels a little hollow to me, maybe I was expecting more? I’m really at a loss for words, so I’ll just say it’s worth a rental. This one snuck in and out of theatres, not many people saw it and I think more people should. It’s fun to talk about and it’s a unique movie which is always welcome.

Legit and Archer

Archer- Solid season from start to finish. Probably the most consistent animated show on right now despite some lulls in the season (even then it’s a good show, usually the comedy doesn’t quite hit the mark). There were a lot of great moments this year, more references than you can count or catch on a first viewing. The messed with the formula a few times (the reality cooking show and the road/train trip with Archer and Ron) to great affect. The characters are working better and better with each other. Ron Cadillac is a great third wheel to Malory’s insanity, Archer and Lana have their own great dynamic (great reveal with the pregnancy, should be interesting for Lana). Pam and Cheryl might be the funniest duo ever, the dialog they get between each other is almost always a riot. Cyril and Ray are trapped together battling Archers ego and insanity. Poor Ray too, I hope he gets his bionic legs back. Such a fun show, there’s nothing else like it on TV. To season 5!

Legit had a great first season. I’m really happy Jim Jefferies got to make such a show, it pulls a few episodes directly from his act but expands on them. There’s some really funny stuff in there, I don’t think there was a single episode I didn’t like. They managed to make some great characters to work with Jim. It makes the show more of an ensemble that really works. Jim may be a obnoxious person with offending remarks and actions but he is a good and loyal friend. The finale brought back the main event of the premiere, giving a time line to the show and filling out the universe of the show. It made for a very complete, funny and touching ending. Great idea casting DJ Qualls as Billy, he often steals the show and really gets to show off what a great actor to. Jim ain’t half bad either! He defiantly got more comfortable as the show went on. I’m happy to hear the show got picked up for another season, I just hope that people follow it to FX’s spin off channel FXX. I question the need for another channel, FX doesn’t need to dilute itself. Along with AMC, FX has turned themselves into one of the premiere cable channels. They have a growing stable of fantastic shows that allow them to have great programming year round.

The Showtime Triple Header

This weekend saw the season finales of 3 SHO series! That leaves a drought until Dexter starts it’s last season at the end of June.

Shameless- Season 3 was a good season, but not a spectacular one. There was something missing that 1 and 2 had, but that makes it sound like I’m complaining. Still enjoyed it all and the season finale was brilliant. There were a lot of complete story arcs for many characters this year and the strings of each came together for episode 13. Potentially, we have the set up for quite a few characters leaving the show…for good or a return later is anyone’s guess. I find all of them to well thought out and plausible, something the UK version stumbles a lot on when jettisoning cast member after cast member.

“Survival of the Fittest” is an apt title for the finale. Major life events for everyone. Fiona is making strides to keep her family afloat by using Jimmy’s disappearance the best she could. The ultimate thorn in the side of the knowledge that the viewer knows way more about him leaving then she does. In fact, we really don’t know his real fate. Ian is also in a major transition, putting Mickey in his rear view by pulling the trigger on his military commitment. Considering he’s lying about his age to do so, it’s a question of how long he can go before he’s caught. No one in the family knows he’s gone so that’s another kick in the pants.

Lip is in on another plane of existence too. Done with high school, he has no idea what to do now. Thanks to his crazy (ex?) GF he has the huge opportunity of going to MIT on a full ride, he bonds with Frank with a horrible outcome. Karen is now gone with Jodi to Arizona for rehab leaving an empty nest for Sheila to handle…we’re left with a glimmer of hope for her, but there’s no telling how she’s going to cope. Carl and Debbie are growing up fast, they’re pushing more and more to be treated as adults and considering the stuff they’ve done this season, they have handled some pretty heady stuff. Kev and Veronica have a kid on the way, their circus working in the end. That should be a big component of next season.

Last but not least is Frank! Will death at his door lead to him changing his ways? “What if I don’t want to?” Is he capable of changing? He wouldn’t be Frank if he did. The scene with Carl going to the hospital at night to shave Frank’s head was brilliant from start to finish. A great call back, a great expression of love, one that seems to have touched Frank.

The writing was outstanding for the finale, just brilliant TV. Can’t wait for season 4.

House of Lies had a great ending too. There was a big build up towards Marty going out on his own and to bring the gang with him. His dealings whipped up quite a storm, how well he weathers it remains to be seen. It’s going to be a trying time for him after burning so many bridges.

Californication: The treadmill under Hank keeps moving at the same speed and inclination. Some stuff happens through the season but it always comes back to Karen. The one that he had, the one that keeps getting away, the one he can never really have again. Time to wrap this up fellas.

Okay summer

It was in the mid 70′ yesterday, 80 today and it looks like high 70’s tomorrow with t-storms. It’s amazing. I’ve kept the windows open all day, it’s a joy to go outside without a coat. Everyone is stoked about it, you can feel the amount of positive vibes in the air. It’s going to get to more normal spring temps on Thursday, but still very pleasant if the rain isn’t too bad.

The first wave has hit the beach…

This passed week has seen a few of my favorite shows come to a close for the season. With many more coming within the next 2 weeks. Time for a run down.

Justified has ended it’s 5th fantastic season. It really is one of the best and most consistent shows that airs today; the writers keep coming up with new, inventive scenarios for Raylan Givens and match it with brilliant dialog. So many great characters continue to flourish (if they make it through to the end) like Boyd and Ava Crowder who I was really pulling for at the end of the season. A lot of big events went down this season setting up another promising journey for fans next year.

FX as a whole is just doing really awesome work. Archer is having a great season as is Legit. The Americans is one of my favorite new shows, love the cast and the story on that one.

FaceOff had a quality season. Coming into it, I thought the whole cast looked super strong but there were a lot of stinkers in there. Half of them were just not up to par, at times they could have done a few double eliminations to get rid of the dead weight. I had a good idea of who the final 3 were going to be and really any of the last 5 had a really good chance to win it all. There was some great designs this year, one of my absolute favorite of the whole series was from House who made this killer candy clown with a huge mouth on her stomach. The next season kicks off at the end of August, I’m looking forward to it!

The Following continues to walk the fine line of entertainment and cheese. There’s a lot of wacky stuffy going down that can be hard to swallow, namely the reach of the cult. But when you read about actual cults, the stuff they do is downright bewildering so it does make the show seem plausible. Hannibal just started and I have yet to watch it, but I’ve heard good things.

Spartacus has 2 episodes left and in typical form the show really took off at the half way point (episode 4 for me, but that’s close enough to half way for me). The last episode was a rough one, some major losses to the rebel side and the pressure on the Roman dogs has never been higher. The end seems very clear, it’s just the path and the quality of the resolution(s) that I’m anxious about.

Grimm has been a fun watch too! I came into this show late last season, but it’s quickly become one of my favorites as well as a welcome replacement for my Fringe timeslot.

Picked up on the new BBC show Orphan Black and the gears are just starting to spin on that one. The promos have given away much more than the the premiere so far, but it’s about a woman who’s made some crummy choices coming out of hiding. She witnesses a girl who looks just like her commit suicide at a subway station and decides that it’s the perfect chance to run a quick identity con for some quick and serious cash. Nothing can go wrong with that idea.

Showtime’s Sunday block ends this weekend with Shameless, House of Lies and Californication. I’ll write about those after they close, but I will say I’ve enjoyed all of them so far.

The Walking Dead finished up season 3 with record high ratings. Thankfully the stupidity has been greatly reduced over last season which gave the show it’s best season so far. There were major deaths with major character arcs that have changed people forever (looking at you, Carl). I was left disappointed at the final credit roll, expecting an epic war and got more of a quick battle. Thinking about it aftwards, it was a strong finale. A lot made sense, the prison team used the home advantage to it’s greatest advantage and came out on top as a result. They weren’t stupid, they made a strong plan to avoid brute force and it paid off. Andrea’s roll has turned into one of my favorites, she got a lot of great moments this year. Just 6 months till it starts back up again, I hope they can continue to make the show better and better.

With the Dead shuffling off, Mad Men returns this weekend! Exciting stuff, it’ll be great to get back into the 60’s.

Premium Rush the Review

2012 was a really busy year for Joseph Gordon Levitt! Four big movies in a row,Premium Rush being the starring action movie for him. Levitt plays Wilee, a bike messenger in Manhattan. He loves his job (he’s not the office type) and on an ordinary day until he picks up a delivery that puts a bullseye on his back from a crooked cop. The chase through the city streets is on!

It’s a cat and mouse movie with a twist that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. JGL is great as usual, the setting is great, the chase scenes (which almost the entire movie is) are super exciting. It’s got a good set up that’s told well through a few flashbacks as the chase unfolds and it’s really well directed. Good use of POV shots, clear and smooth camera work, excellent editing. I tip my hat for the lack of shaky cam and ADD editing. I really don’t have any complaints, it’s a fun movie!

I wasn’t expecting much thinking it looked too goofy from the trailer, but I was wrong. A pleasent surprise for me, I give it a heartly recommendation.

Spring needs to get here

There’s been some nice days since the last snow storm, a tease of things to come. We hit daylight savings time last weekend which is clutch. It’s still light out at 7pm which I love. Everyone seems to be in a better mood when that happens. Makes a difference when you aren’t at work for all day light hours.

Celeste and Jesse Forever

Two romantic comedies in a row, I may beed to shuffle my Netflix queue up a bit. I put Celeste and Jesse Forever on my list because Rashida Jones is in it. I’ve liked her since her time on The Office, followed her to Parks and Rec and hearing that she co-wrote the movie made me curious to see what she devoted another part of her life too.

The writing is really, really strong. I really liked the set up, a slightly different angle to approach the relationship genre. Celeste (Rashida Jones) and Jesse (Andy Samberg) are a married couple who are seperating. But they get along like best friends which as one of their friends at dinner bluntly puts it, “is really weird.” They’ve agreed that their marriage isn’t working, but they want to remain friends and this odd holding pattern is stretching into months. The confrontation at dinner is the catalyst for the couple to move on while remaining friends. When Jesse’s life gets a sudden jump start, it sends Celeste into a sudden tail spin.

The acting and dialog really stand out well to me. It always felt like a honest story with realistic characters and situations. Dialog sounds and flows naturally through the good times and the bad. While there is some parts that feel overly convienant, it’s nothing that felt out of place or too out there to believe. Stat to finish it’s a great story that I put over Friends With Benefits in all regards. ‘Forever’ is a less cheeky take on relationships than ‘Benefits’ is, less of a rom com if that makes sense to you. I recommend it.