The Americans S4E03

One of the more quiet episodes, it wasn’t until the end that things really picked up. I’d call it a simmer episode with next week being the follow through.

Some things picked up:

Phillip is sort of teaching Paige how to be a spy, to gently convince someone to your favor without them knowing it. Paster Tom told his wife the secret and Phillip tells his daughter that they need to keep him close and as a friend. Tell him you’re upset but don’t bring anger into it (a line repeated by Elizabeth when Phil tells her). Paige has some luck with Tom, it looked like he was upset that he betrayed Paige’s confidence.

Philip simply wants to bounce, the heat is getting to be too much. How he’d tell their son why they are suddenly moving to Moscow would be a conversation for later I guess. Elizabeth doesn’t want to run and neither does The Center, so HQ comes up with an assassination attempt while Elizabeth and Phillip take the kids to Epcot (which recently opened). Stick with the kids the whole time and Paige might be suspicious when she finds out Tom and his wife had a fatal accident, but she’ll have enough doubt not to tip her. Phillip thinks that’s nonsense.

Stan hasn’t had a win in a while and could use one. He’s now firmly on the scent of Martha, despite the suicide set up from the premiere. Phillip has been able to keep Martha in the game for a long time and it looks like Stan has noticed the thread that will ultimately lead to his neighbor. Phillip is so busy with the virus and Paige that he has no clue about Stan (and neither does Martha).

Elizabeth is making some serious headway on becoming friends with a potential new informant (I don’t remember what kind of contacts Young Hee has, it must be her husband).

Phillip talks to Stan’s ex-wife about Stan being mad at him. He’s gotta get that monkey off his back and it seems like the best choice he could make. That window being closed might be impossible to shut very soon, though.

So with the trip to Orlando booked (congrats on getting Henry to think it’s his idea, making it an easier sale to Paige) they just need to check in with Gabriel. Holy disaster. Everything just got thrown out of the window.

Shameless S6E12 <> Season Finale

Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia! 

This year’s season finale was all about plateaus. Not necessarily ones that are high ground, but, at least, they are somewhat level.

Carl is manning up and making it work with Dominique (her father really).

V, Kevin, and Svetlana are…in a relationship. Maybe an awkward morning wake up, but no drama to speak of.

Lip gets called out for being an alcoholic. He’s turning into Frank and while he’s in denial, he sees it at the end. Will he fight rehab or put some effort into it?

Fiona and Debbie’s relationship is still washing up on the rocks. Fiona tries to make amends, but Debbie is not having any of it. But in the end, Debbie makes the first step into asking Fiona for help after Francis’ first check up. Her doctor tells her she can’t do this alone as Debbie and Francis both look worse for wear.

Ian with the power move to get his EMT job back! Awesome to see, the best plateau of the Gallagher’s with Carl coming in second place.

Frank goes on a mission to get back what’s his. Still in a rage over Sean, passive aggressively messes with Sean and then pushes forward with putting a hit on him. In proper manner, Frank but get’s played by the guy he gave $1000 to last episode and he’s got to come up with something else. And he does. He razes Fiona’s happiness at the altar buy telling her Sean is still using (with proof). With that stunt, the wedding is off and Fiona is again devastated and alone. The rest of the crew don’t let Frank off the hook for being a human colostomy bag and punishment is delivered in a freefall kind of way. Great closure to the season with the family moving closer and Frank shoved back outside. He won’t be sleeping in the house anymore. Hope it was worth it Frank!

Shameless S6E11

Sleep No More

Gallagher’s Assemble!

Here’s a surprise, Ian lying on a job application didn’t pass the background check. Sucks, this will probably create a spiral.

Just when you think Lip has bounced back, it just turns out that he was sailing through the air only to land in a different part of the gutter.

V, Svetlana and Kev take their relationship to a new level! The credit roll sequence was really funny.

Now to on to the meat of the episode. Frank tries to make amends and be more of an actual father figure. He’s bummed from missing Francis’ birth and decides that doubling down on Fiona’s wedding is the way to go. Since he only knows how to scam to make money (everything is a scam with him really) his Shameless ways get exposed at the end and Sean puts his foot down. Frank is way stronger than he looks!

Debbie is caught on the bottom of this. She’s completely overwhelmed by the infant and she holds on to her grudge with Fiona to near disastrous results. Frank has been in good graces with Debbie for a while now, but that just went out the window when she found out he extorted Derek’s parents. Who thought being a single teenage mom would be so tough?

I know Frank is pissed he screwed the pooch and the whole family turned on him because of it, but this potential retaliation is extreme by even Shameless standards. What’s going to happen…next week, the season finale!

The Hateful Eight


The poster above is perfect for this movie. It makes complete sense after you’ve watched it. I consider myself a casual fan of Quentin Tarantino, I can live without most of his material and completely dig a few of his others. The Hateful Eight gets added to the dig pile.

It’s not long after the Civil War and it’s the dead of winter in Wyoming. A bounty hunter, John Ruth, is traveling with a catch, Daisy Domergue, to Red Rocks to claim his reward. En route he picks up two stranded men (another bounty hunter and the new sheriff of Red Rocks) and they have to take shelter in a cabin to make it through a blizzard. When the travelers get there, they meet and must withstand a few suspicious characters.

Because this is a QT picture, you can expect a few things: memorable characters (played by many returning actors that QT loves), a ton of dialog (180-minute runtime), a killer soundtrack, a whole lotta mayhem and even more cursing. This move thrives entirely by its cast.

While the entire cast if fantastic, the showstoppers for me are Jennifer Jason Leigh (Daisy Domergue, love this name!) and Walton Goggins (Chris Mannix). JJL is absolutely amazing, she might be remembered most for this role from here on out. Transformative is the only word I can think of. She’s unrecognizable as this hell raiser. Just her facial expressions during the carriage ride at the beginning should have won her an Acadamy Award. A lot of credit to Kurt Russell (John Ruth) too as they work off each other a lot and have a symbiosis that’s only matched later by Goggins and Sam L. Jackson. Walton Goggins knocked my socks off every week in Justified and it’s clear that QT was too because he’s perfectly cast for this role. The way he delivers lines is just something else. I can’t describe how well he works on screen, you just have to see it.

QT and his DP went nuts on this movie as it’s a real looker. Much was made about filming on 70mm and the biggest takeaway from that is how wide the frame is. As most of the movie takes place in the cabin, QT gets a huge amount of the set in one frame and he works his blocking around it. He fits a lot of important things in the entire frame, but it also remains very spartan looking at the same time (the lighting work in this movie is incredible, it’s like a character itself). There’s usually big spacing between characters and he’ll move the camera a bit to the left or right for reveals and he uses the depth of the set to great effect as well. I can think of two scenes that use some ingenious rack focusing to wordlessly tell a plot and build suspense. The camera may be stationary, but the scene and story move as the focus changes back and forth from someone in the background to someone in the foreground. Brilliant stuff.

I thought the first 20 minutes was a little slow while the last hour flew by. I’m not sure how well this will hold up to repeated viewings, but it’s a hell of a ride. It really took me by surprise. I loved how it went from a travel movie into a claustrophobic whodunnit. I was also not expecting that I was going to laugh like a maniac. The characters and what they do are absolutely nuts. So much caught me off guard that it made me scream in delight. Just about everything Marquis Warren does is epic, the trash talking that Daisy does, Mannix’s reactions and with crack with every single line. I can’t recall a movie I’ve seen recently with such unique, defined and enthralling collection of characters.

Be forewarned! This picture gets intense! There is some intense violence and QT rolls around in the blood once it’s on the ground. I think this is a love it or hate it movie, but I for one loved it.

Black Sails S3E10 <> Season Finale

What a great season finale! The writers of this show are masters of setting up the pins, knocking then down and then setting them up for next year.

There were so many great moments that it’s hard to keep track of them all. From the dialog to the non-linear storytelling and the often breathtaking direction and production.

“You, they trust above any of us. Not to betray for money.”

“The irony was not lost on us.”

The night before the battle, Rackham, Flint and Silver are burying the treasure somewhere on hideout island. After Rackham goes to join Anne to handle their part of the plan, we get to watch a brilliant conversation between Flint and Silver that is woven through the entire episode. This night scene contains some of my favorite dialog in the season and touches on some great character growth that sprouts as the battle unfolds. Each section they show is better than the last. I feel dumb for not seeing how much Flint has rubbed off on Silver until it was laid out in front of me.

And then there is the battle! England taking the beach, jungle and fort fights, sea warfare, it’s got it all. Layers of pirate subterfuge to take on a much bigger invading force! Anna Bonny back on the hunt and strutting her stuff!

And then there is the movement led by Billy Bones back at Nassau! The amount of stealthy, smart and daring spy work is only matched by The Americans. The note that plants the seed, the surprise murder and the creation of a new boogyman for England in the place of Vane’s death. The planning that came together is simply delicious.

I love when Rackham is right. His vindication for how smart he is spits in the face of all the people that think he’s nothing but a pine-riding rookie. His time with Blackbeard is some of the best scenes for Rackham. The reflection of how bad he wants to be seen and revered like Blackbeard is fantastic. He’s got the confidence, but nowhere near the experience. Their pasts and futures are tied together because of Charles Vane. As Rackham discusses his new-found trust of Blackbeard with Anne, the only other person he loves and cares for:

“I will say this for him: in recent weeks, among the disturbing number of people who have tried to kill one, or the both of us, he is not among them. If Charles was in some sense a son to him and Charles was in some sense a brother to us, I couldn’t tell you what that makes us to him. But it’s something. Perhaps.”

“Gun crews at the ready!”

“See you on the other side.”


How beautiful is that? And then cannon balls go flying? This show rules.

Silver’s ascension is so cool and artfully done. Along with the parallels of Rackham and Blackbeard, there’s Silver and Madi. His conversation with Madi about her mother, The Maroon Queen, letting her go on the front lines is exemplary:

“She let me go because she knows if we survive this battle today, she will likely need to step aside. And make room for someone better suited to do what must be done.”

“It’s a hard thing to look your successor in the eye and know that their time is nearing while yours is almost through. But as far as successors go, your mother could to far worse.”

Finally, Horigold gets outclassed and the English do a 180 on their redcoats so fast they leave their dumb wigs behind as they flee. Captain Flint proves once more that he his immortal.

“Tell your governor! You tell him that I’m coming!”

The last scene is basically poetry in motion. Max’s narration of reading the note to the shellshocked English. Bone’s narration about the revolution  going after Eleanor as Silver, Rackham, Blackbeard, Madi and Flint sit down at their table. Artful storytelling. I can’t wait for season 4.

…until then I remain. Long John Silver.

The Americans S4E02

Pastor Tim

This was a bumpy one for Elizabeth and Phillip. First, they’ve got a crazy bioweapon in their house and it’s taking forever to get it out. Phillip takes the mission to get it out of the country and good lord does it go sideways. Not a good night and the weight of being a spy is beginning to crush Phillip. I don’t know what kind of shape he’s going to be in by the end of the season.

Elizabeth keeps tabs on Paige and discovers that she told Pastor Tim everything. Just when you think having the plague tucked away in your laundry room is a problem, your daughter rats on you. Elizabeth rightly freaks out and wants to go on the offensive…PT has got to go. Phillip is beside himself already and warns her to slow down so she takes recon on her own and comes up with a workable plan to nix PT that will take the both of them to pull off.

You can cut the tension with a knife in the Jenner household but never forget that ignorance is bliss. Henry has no clue that anything is amiss. In fact, he invites Stan over to check out his sweet new computer (that the motherland actually got him). The problem that emerged between Stan and Phillip last episode remains on “simmer.”

Nina defies her handlers again. She was close to being free (maybe, they might have just thrown her down a well anyway) and she’s cursed herself again. I like Nina a lot, the woman has her convictions and I respect that.

Paige is a bright girl and her parent’s secret is eating her up. She confides in PT because of that and feels tremendous guilt over it. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Whenever she talks to her mother, she’s given very basic info. Yes, she knows they’re spies, but no specifics. Just “work” involving “talking” and “convincing” people. With a guilty conscience, a gut full of worry and being a crappy secret keeper, Paige confesses to Elizabeth that she told PT everything. Just in time too, although I don’t think she really knows what her confession did. Mission aborted.  For now, anyway.

Based On Actual Events


Johnny Depp really struts his stuff in this one. As notorious mobster. James “Whitey” Bulger, Depp runs with the devil (and a few hours worth of top notch prosthetic make up). Whitey came up as a small-town criminal in South Boston in the 70’s and with the help of the FBI, became one of the most dangerous men in American organized crime well into the 90’s. That line about the FBI is what makes this story so interesting. While the extent of how far up the chain the FBI knew about how John Connelly was handling his “informant,” Whitey paid off a ton of people to let him do his thing. It wasn’t until Whitey’s dealings got too big for him to wrangle that made everything collapse in on him, forcing him to run for almost two decades.

Black Mass has a lot going for it (great cast) and if you dig mob stories, this one is for you. Pretty rough in the cursing and violence department.



Why does something like Spotlight have to exist? The 2001-2002 story of The Boston Globe doing an expose on the rampant pedophile coverup of the Catholic Archdiocese going back to the 60’s. Over the years, events would come to light about a priest molesting children in their congregation. These “bad apples” were said to be nothing more than anomalies, would be appropriately handled and don’t represent the Catholic Church. The offender would disappear and everyone would move on.

But the offender wouldn’t disappear. They were moved to another church in direct contact with children, free to attack again. When they got found out, the church would settle things with the family privately (i.e. out of court) and the monster would be moved again.

What started out as 1 repeated name quickly turned into 4…then 13…then 87. Through diligent and expert investigative reporting, the men and woman of “The Spotlight” section of The Boston Globe blew the doors off a horrific worldwide epidemic that was known and hidden by a shocking amount of people. Evil was allowed to not only fester, but grow in an institution that is supposed to be sacred and represent the best of humanity. It’s completely nuts how these monsters weren’t reported to the police the moment it was reported. Let this nugget really blow your mind:. a few months after this blew up publicly, Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, the man central to the cover-up of hundreds of ruined lives and the protection of dozens of maniacs, resigned as the Archbishop of Boston in December 2002. Two years later, this man who you can really trust,  was given a promotion by Pope John Paul II to become the Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome in 2004. He retired at the age of 80 in 2011. Ugh.

This is some mindboggling stuff. Everyone agrees that 1) Rape is heinous and 2) so is pedophilia. So how the hell does stuff like this get let go? Stamp it out the second it appears. Everyone wins! Many rational human beings knew this was happening and let it go buy them with a pat on the back. Some jerk in a fancy smock is going to feel awkward about explaining what’s going on so let’s not bring it up? Preach against the devil but you got demons running around your own house and think it’s OK?

Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention, the movie is good.


Shameless S6E10

Paradise Lost

An episode of new beginnings for the Gallaghers. Let us discuss!

Ian continues on a good path and passes his EMT test with flying colors. When he sees an intrusive question on the job application, Ian’s boyfriend urges him to lie (their relationship is going well).

Sean and Fiona move in together and the wedding plans are underway. Second time’s the charm for everyone. Fun times at the male review ensue.

Sean and Fiona move in together and the wedding plans are underway. Second time’s the charm for everyone. Fun times at the male review ensue.

Everyone’s in a great relationship now. Young love with Carl and Dominique means Carl gets another try at making a good impression with her father, the cop. He had a steep hole to dig himself out of after their first meeting.”I don’t even know why she likes me. But as long as she does, I’m going to do whatever she asks. Even if it means spending a day with her asshole father.” Things didn’t go well the first time so he had a big hill to climb. It goes well and we have another inspired Gallagher, “I think I want to be a cop!”

Kevin is still stupidly mad about V and Svet’s fake gay marriage. They wisely do this b-plot in quick, digestible scenes.

Frank rips through another community, it’s like he’s the destroyer of worlds. He should have a comic book with all the destruction he creates. He gets some of the best scenes this week, everything he did was great. He gets challenged (and wins), gets all sorts of benefits from that, turns Queenie’s own nonsense into a jealous rage and manages to stand by Debbie…until he gets kidnapped. But he finds a way out in the most Frank way possible. Cue the end of his relationship with Queenie, it was fun while it lasted. Side note: Chuckie is alive?

Lip slides down the shame hill and where does he land? Back at home. Just in time too…

A new Gallagher has entered the world! Debbie had a rough episode (to say the least), but the birth was pretty beautiful (Francis?!) and that dig at Fiona at the end was a Shameless bullet point.

Black Sails S3E09

Oh, man. That did not go down the way I thought it would be. Don’t read this if you haven’t watched this episode yet, I’m going to get into it.

The push and pull for Nassau took some serious turns in this penultimate episode of the season. Silver and Flint had a really interesting conversation once they got back to the hideout island. Flint’s questioning of Silver’s  choices in handling that mini-mutiny was more advice than questioning. Flint is always quick to judge and admonish, but this was much more of a peer to peer talk than I think we’ve ever seen before. A welcome to the horrible side being a captain speech if there ever was one.

Being spotted by Hornigold pushed Flint’s hand, giving away their secret hideaway and army. This moves the start of the war to an accelerated timetable. The people of the island must mourn the death of Mr. Scott, the father of their home who fought and protected them for years from far away and undercover.

Now, for the bananas portion of the episode, the pirate’s plan on Nassau for Vane. Their movement to get his trial out into the open, thus delaying it to buy them time to figure out how to spring him collapsed and caught on fire in one quick move. Eleanore just blindsides everyone by doing the complete opposite of what they wanted. No delay, no pauses, no negotiations, she gets Vane on the gallows in a single day. This is a mind mind-boggling rise  from a woman who was once damned just months before. Sent away to die, she comes back as a suspicious-at-best advisor, gets in with The Man and takes his command when he gets sick. This is some Game of Thrones level of political maneuvering. She’s telling important men wearing powdered wigs what to do like she was born into English royalty.

Amazing episode for Vane. Zach McGowan crushed every scene given to him. His disgust and breakdown of Pastor Lambrick when he comes to see him talk about repenting to help him find “peace” while he still can. When he waves off Billy Bones last ditch effort to get him out. His awesome speech on the gallows and then when the cart starts to move he walks off of it. One of the most badass exits I’ve ever seen. They fixed it so he would suffer so his fellow pirates come over and aid him in a faster death! Stunning. The crowd completely changes, once jeering and throwing food at him they are shocked into disgust. A martyr has been made, the foundation of a revolution set!

Phenomenal episode and all hell is going to break loose in the finale.

The Americans S4E01


How cool is that promo picture? It’s back to the 80’s and The Cold War with season 4 of The Americans.

Glanders, the premiere, kept it simple and straight forward picking up pretty much right where season 3 left off.

Paige is (obviously) still freaked out about know what her parents do. She fishes for details from her mother and Pastor Tim is encouraging her to do so. PT is going to be a problem and the motherland is none too pleased that Elizabeth brought her daughter home to meet her dying biological grandmother. That wasn’t part of the deal, but Elizabeth and Phillip both felt it was necessary to show Paige a connection to her real ancestry to temper her anxiety.

With the bug being found last season, Martha was close to being found out and Philip went to extreme measures to protect her. By framing someone else, he gets Martha off the frying pan but knows he has to talk her through it or she’s going to flip out at work. He works his spy game negotiation skills like a pro and not only talks her down but keeps her as an active asset.

It’s a good thing too because he had to get some FBI intel for the latest spy mission given to them. Gotta love sneaking around at night with wigs and fake beards to hide from surveillance to talk to an undercover informant! I don’t think any other show on TV does the spy jams as well as The Americans does. The score a major conformation: the US is developing some nasty biological warfare weapons. The hook for the season has been lowered.

On the Soviet front, there’s some suspicion going on at the US embassy and Nina looks like she’s successfully working off her debt. She’s got her scientist on the right track: they’ve made major advances in stealth plane technology.

Finally, Stan finds out Phillip has been “close” to his ex-wife (from his new girlfriend of all people). Not good to have an irate FBI neighbor when you’re a spy…

Next week: Pastor Tim. Uh-oh.

Crimson Peak


Full disclosure: I’m a big Guillermo del Toro fan, he’s one of my favorite directors. I’m biased towards whatever he has a hand in, I like his quirks and indulgences.

Crimson Peak is a place that should be swallowed by the ground it was built on to bury all the horrors that it holds. As awful as the place is, it makes a great setting for a fun, gothic horror movie with crazy characters and eye-popping visuals.

Edith Cushing, an inspiring author and only daughter of the wealthy businessman, Carter Cushing, comes to a crossroads after a terrible accident. Seeing little to keep her home, she’s whisked away to England by a charming and mysterious man she barely knows. This quick courtship lands Edith on the doorstep of her new husband’s estate where his sister also lives. Ignoring the warning signs, Edith has been led into a damned relationship.

I’ll start with the good. As with all of GdT’s films, Crimson Peak is a gorgeous movie. A wild color palette that changes from mood to mood, sumptuous costumes, striking production designs in props and sets, and ghastly creature designs with expertly integrated special effects. A great cast brings each character to beautiful and tragic life (I didn’t recognize Jessica Chastain until I saw her name in the credits. Lucille is a Grade A nutter).

The problem, I think, is in the pacing and story structure at the start. A runtime of an hour and 50 minutes, it takes 40 of those minutes to get to the Crimson Peak estate where the movie hits its gothic stride. While Edith is kept in the dark until it’s too late, the audience isn’t so a lot of tension and suspense never materializes.

Crimson Peak is framed as a story told to us by Edith. It starts with her as a child when the ghost of her mother visits her and delivers a cryptic warning. Then, when a man named Thomas Sharpe comes into Edith’s world years later, she’s visited again and given the same warning. These visits, especially the first one, inspire her to write which builds her a backstory and purpose as a character, but as a plot device ends up being easily ignored. I think that set up, as cool and creepy as it comes across on screen, tips off the audience too much (and the first visit is something like a decade from the danger coming. That’s some time to give a warning that no on would ever be able to figure out. Ghost Mom is psychic I guess). Plus, the foreshadowing goes completely overboard when the Sharpe siblings are introduced. It’s clear to anyone watching that they are trouble. Thomas is good at wearing a mask in public but forget Lucille. Sure the crazy details of their secrets are kept close to the chest and make for great scenes in the last act, but it ends up feeling like there is nothing to figure out as you watch.

That said, the beginning is good, I do like a lot of it. It works to complete the narrative, flushes out the characters and there are more than a few beautiful shots (this is a GdT film). It just slows down the movie so much. I think a 5-8 minute cut to the first act could have changed the pacing and the story arc for the better.

I like Crimson Peak but found many early decisions weighed down the movie in disappointing ways. It’s not nearly as spooky or as scary as I thought it would be (and should be) and that’s a shame. While expertly cast (Mia Wasikowska and Tom Hiddleston have great chemistry), I think the editing robbed a lot of power and potential from del Toro’s latest.

Shameless S6E09

A Yurt of One’s Own

“You know that just cause we were born here, doesn’t mean that we end up here.”

Where do I start with this one? I guess I’ll just break it down by characters out of story continuity.

Lip is first because his is the simplest this week. So much for “awesome” Lip being back. He’s an embarrassing mess.

V and Kev’s new plot line kicks off by rubbing a patron at the bar the wrong way. How to save Svetlana from deportation? The solution: V and Svetlana get married. It could work if Kevin can get over his temper tantrums.

Frank, Queenie, Debbie and Chuckie take off for Queenie’s hippie commune. Frank sees this as a great way out as he’s being hunted from last weeks bad decisions. When they get there, it looks like Debbie will be the first one to tap out and head back to civilization, but she has a turn of heart by the end. Her “eeew” looks at the start were great and given the close attention and advice from Queenie (having your own swank yurt helps too) makes her decision seem like a good one for now. Frank sticks it out among many un-Frank-like trials and tribulations but leave it to a drug source to keep him happy. Poor Chuckie, not sure what’s going to be left of him.

Carl and Dominique hook up! How does it happen? Toss all his poser behavior away and what do you get? Someone Dominque wants to be with! Loved the quick scene he when he runs down to the kitchen where he asks his brothers if they have any condoms.

Fiona’s a mess for a good part of this episode. Trying to patch things up with Sean, she makes no headway. More to the point, it gets ugly and a break up looks all but said on screen. Gus swings by the diner and calmly says they should get divorced. “Here’s my lawyer’s card, meet me there tomorrow at 2,” makes Fiona talk to a divorce lawyer for advice. That spirals out of control real fast and makes for a hilarious meeting. In swings Sean to lift up Fiona in a rather beautiful way.

Mandy Milkovich returns! I was so happy to see her despite the horrible circumstances. I loved seeing Ian come through for an old friend, reminds me of the good old days. She’s working as an escort now, something Ian can relate to, so he kept it judgment free. The look on Lip’s face when he sees her leaving the house was something else.

The further into the episode, the better it got. Liked this one a lot and I hope we see Mandy some more.