Daisy Duke Dances for You
Another awesome thing made possible by the Internet.
Into my mind
I’ve never kept any kind of journal before, and seeing how blogging is basically a public journal, the idea seems weird to me. It’s not as fruity as keeping a locked notebook under my bed (which is where I keep my comic books and massive amounts of dust) but the idea of it is kinda creepy. Like, how many of the people I know look at this? I know with AIM it’s like second nature to check peoples profiles from time to time (okay, everyday) but that’s just a normal thing. Same thing with checking away messages. But this shit tends to be more personal, more like looking into someones mind. Lord knows there are some fucking wack jobs on livejournal.
I never really thought of it before putting up this site, but it seemed liked the best idea to make something that’s mine and is easy to update. My original site was made from the ground up with the noobest of abilities so while it worked, it was a bitch to update and I couldn’t just port it over to a new server. All the links and shit pointed to specific things (I built it all wrong really) so I had no choice (more like desire) to try and move it. I gotta try and change the above image to something cooler….ah I’ll get to it.
So I got my xbox loaded up with some music cd’s and everything seems to be running all good. I just hope nothing breaks in it (the dvd drive I replaced already gave me a scare last night). While I was ripping music, I watched Boogie Nights. I think it’s the same director as Showgirls (you gotta see this, it’s hysterical and has more nudity than I even thought possible. Bonus that it’s Jesse from Saved by the Bell) and Robocop. What a weird movie. At just under 2 1/2 hours it was too long, but it was a cool idea. Mark Whalberg represents to the fullest and it also marks Heather Grahams biggest roles at the time it came out. Not sure if I would recommend it though. There’s a lot better movies out there.
I plan on having the script done in the next 2 days. Gotta hit that goal. I don’t see it being any longer than 20 pages and anything outside that really isn’t a short film. I should be able to bang it out in a day. Another for revisions.
Had a great time at Dave and Busters for Kevins bachelor party this weekend. He gets married this Saturday. What’s with everyone growing up lately? I miss the days when you didn’t have to worry about shit and the biggest responsibility you had was brushing your teeth before bed.
One last thing, I’m gonna start a Quote of the Day. It probably won’t be everyday, but if you see a random quoted line (unless I point it out as the QotD) that’s it. So here’s the first one.
“Hey Rico! I don’t see no snake!”
The Globe and Mail: Designer vaginas
The Globe and Mail: Designer vaginas
What’s goin on
Some what interesting week. Lots of work, had my yearly physical (I was told I have beautiful veins by the blood lady. Weird how often I’ve been told that), did some serious chattin with Kyle and Bagels….and I got my New and Improved XBOX back today. Fuck you Sony.
I’ve been trying to get dad to get XM and he’s had the Roady 2 for awhile but never got it installed. Talked to some car audio dude in Glen Rock today and he told dad it wouldn’t work for some stupid ass reason. Something about interfering with the AM antenna, which makes no sense because it uses an FM modulator to broadcast to the stock radio. I might just try and install it myself when I get the chance. Might look a bit ghetto but I bet it will work.
I just realized I’m really tired. My mind is swimming with shit right now…I gotta get cracking on a script that I’ve been mulling over for the past few weeks. It should feel good just to get it out of me. I found a new contact at CBS I’m going to try next week too. Got a busy weekend coming up too, we’ll see how that goes…..
And another thing
In a terrific attempt at bringing up stuff for no good reason, mom yelled at me today for having too many remotes for the downstairs TV (TV, VCR, DVD, Reciever). I told her we can get one of those fancy remotes that controls everything.
If she thinks I’m going to pay for it….she’s thinking the wrong thing.
An interesting day at work
You ever look at that crack in an elevator where the door slides across between the floor of the building and the elevator? Ever wonder if you could drop something down there? Turns out you can. Namley, my car keys. I was the Jeremy (one of my co-workers) coming back from Burger King when it happened. He laughed and I swore a lot. Thank god Jonathan the maintance dude had nothing better to do than get them.
And for some more yucks, Jean, one of my supervisors, has the worst bug phobia I’ve ever seen in my life. Now I can understand having a fear, but this woman once called the fire department to her house because there was a bee in her kitchen. Yeah.
So Jeremy lost a little bottle of medicine in his pocket and was asking Angela (another supervisor) if she had seen it around. She said no and hoped that no one ran over it and crushed it or something. Hearing “crushed it” Jean says “crush what?” To make a long story short the three of us quickly whipped up a story about how Jeremy lost his pet African Hissing Cockroach (named Norman). Jean spent the rest of the night with her feet up on her garbage can and looking around like something was going to try and eat her.
The Laughter Stops
Charlie Murphy has confirmed it….Chappelle Show is dead.
Maybe he’ll come around in a few years, at least I hope so. At least Charlie is getting some work after this. This offically makes Nip/Tuck my favorite TV show.
Oh yeah guys, check your email if you haven’t yet today. I sent ya some info.
Two Updates in a Row
A first in internet history. I’ve updated 2 days in a row. I have nothing major to say right now, but that’s because I’m really hungry. So it’s time for breakfast at noon. It is the most important meal of the day you know.
Holla at cho’ boooooooy.
In the Beginning
Yes! Nick is back on the Internet with his own space. Looks good huh? I’d tell you how to do it, but I’m won’t. It’s a secret. That said though, major thanks goes out to Ralph Musco and Jon Weinraub for making it happen.
This is my net home for the forseeable future so just come here to see all the good shit. Instead of IMing everyone my witty links, you’ll find it here. Pictures, funny stuff…all the shit you know me for will be here. I’ll be filling this all out (Links and stuff) pretty soon so this will be (completely) bad ass in no time.
So be sure to come back often, this shit is a lot easier to update than my last page so it’ll be rare if I go more than a few days without updating.
Stay Frosty.