I’m sick! And other things

Friday night at about 7pm, my throat started to hurt. Saturday, I’m knocked on my ass. Sore throat, fever (my feet would be freezing but I’d be sweating everwhere else). Today I don’t feel any worse, but I don’t feel well at all. I’m not congested but the base of my throat is all scratchy and makes me cough. Last night I woke up ever single hour to cough. The only way to stop coughing is to force myself to ignore the itching feeling in my throat and not cough. A lot easier said then done. Yesterday I coughed so hard I threw up (yeah I was suprised too). I really need some cough medicine, that should make a big difference.

My computer is basically fixed. I had to buy a new dvd burner because my other one broke. Perfect timing with the heat sink, fan and hard drive failing on me. Now I’m just missing some documents that I can hopefully salvage from the old drive. I really need them.

This better fix my computer

My computer is still on injured reserve. Had to get a new 80 gig hd to replace my original drive. There is a serious error on the original drive that is basically crippling the system and is just fucking up the repair process. So putting XP on this new drive and sending the old one to the moon should solve the slowness and all of the errors I keep getting. On the plus side the over heating issue has been fixed with the new (gigantic) fan. It’s been pushing a month since my computer has run like it should, I can’t wait to get it back to normal.

I got new blinds on my bedroom windows and I can now make it dark as a cave in here. It’s awesome. They look like wood blinds and they work like…well, new blinds. I sleep like a champ now that the fucking street light isn’t right on my face at night.

Day 15

Computer still screwed. Sort of. It’s been narrowed down to a shitty boot section in my main hard drive. This results in a boot up that takes forever and overall crummy performance. Waiting on getting software to partion my 200 gig drive so XP can be installed on a section and use the rest for storage.

And after 6 weeks, Lost is finally back. After a vacation like that this better be an awesome episode.

Some random mentions

My new CPU fan came today, Jon and I should be installing it today. Then we are nuking my main drive and putting a fresh XP install. That’ll probably take 3 hours to get everything running 100%. A ton of software/hardware updates need to be done. Pain in the ass, but the computer needs it. My DVD burner is messed up, I’m hoping this will fix it.

If anyone is looking for a new mouse, you gotta get the Logitech wireless MX Laser mouse. I think it’s the MX 200. 55 bucks on Amazon and it’s awesome. Really comfortable, a charge last a long time and it only takes an hour to recharge it to 100%.

Howard Stern started his Sirius career today. He got a rediculous stock share from pulling in the most subscribers SIRI has ever seen in a quarter. Retarded, yes, but I own SIRI stock so if the company keeps doing well, I’m going to do well too. Now if my XM stock will go back up, I’ll be doing really well.

Another random bit, Optimum Voice works really well. If you have a phone bill that goes over $35 bucks a month, there is no reason not to switch. You get a ton of features and never have to worry about long distance charges. The voice quality is tops too.

I’ll be back again when my computer is back in prime form.

Happy Birthday!

To John and Jonathan!

Also: something is seriously wrong with my computer and it’s going to take some time to figure out what the hell it is (I think my new hard drive is DOA and my CPU is overheating. It’s making some horrific noise). It’ll be awhile until I update again.

Nip/Tuck Season Finale

And Season 3 is done. It was a really outstanding 2 hours to end the show, but Season 3 was easily the weakest season so far. Fragmented story telling is the best way to describe it. Things happen and then are totally left behind until 4 episodes later. So while the season had it’s moments, it wasn’t as intense and enthralling as the past 2 season arcs were. The end was done really well, at least 3 twists and 2 set ups for next season. There are some pretty glaring plot holes, but I choose to take it in stride and just say fuck it, give me season 4.

We are definatly getting a season 4 and the ratings for this season and the season finale in particular were record setting for FX.

“Nip/Tuck” ended its third season with more young adult viewers than any other single episode of a cable series this year. Two-hour season finale averaged a 3.0 rating/9 share among adults 18-49 and 5.7 million total viewers from 10 p.m.-midnight Tuesday. FX said “Nip/Tuck’s” Tuesday numbers also made the episode the most-watched single telecast among adults 18-49 in the cabler’s history. Third season of “Nip/Tuck” remained the highest-rated series on basic or pay cable among adults 18-49. Among all viewers, “Nip/Tuck” was cable’s fourth most-watched show of 2005, behind “The Closer,” “Monk” and “The 4400”.

I hope Ryan Murphy doesn’t fall too far in love with making movies so we can get more seasons.