It’s been awhile

It’s been awhile since my last post….I’ve been busy I guess. Big news is that we got a new HDTV 2 weeks ago. Had to buy a new AV reciever and subwoofer (just came yesterday) for it.

We have a hardcore home theatre now. Check this link to see some pictures.
Flickr: Photos from scudnick2

That’s my spot on Flickr, whenever I upload pictures it’ll be there (they make it really easy to upload pics and keeps em organized). I’ll add a link to the right for future reference.

The TV is a 50″ Samsung DLP. Beautiful isn’t even the word. Got it for just over $1800 at Best Buy, that stand was $180. Got my old Toshiba dvd player hooked up to it, that silver thing is the new Yamaha 5.1 A/V reciever, using the old Kenwood surround speakers. The sub (not pictured) is a 125 Watt, 10″ Dayton Audio, it fucking THUMPS. Got a great deal on that too.

I need to take better pics of it, looks crummy in those pictures.

The new Doritos

I’d like to take a moment and let everyone know that the new Spicy Doritos might be the best edible chip based product ever made. They redid the packaging for the whole brand, so don’t be fooled. Make sure you snag the one that says Spicy. Might be Spicy Nacho. It’s a red bag and it kicks ass is basically what it comes down to. Not really hot, but it leaves ya with that spicy kick feeling.

Back From Florida

I’m home from seeing my Aunt and Uncle in Sarasota, FL. I got some pictures to upload and still need to unpack and stuff. It was a very nice trip, the fight home was only 2 hours long. I’m pretty tired and have work tomorrow (bummer) so I’m just gonna keep it real until tomorrow. I’ll have those pics ready to go tomorrow and I’ll give a better update.

I’m finally better.

I’d say I’m at 90% now. The doc said I had a virus so no antibiotics for me. Had a shitty 5 days there, but it could have been worse, I wasn’t that congested and my stomach was alright. I was sick for so long I forgot what it’s like to feel normal. I just need to make it through one more day and then I’m off to Florida for 5 days. It’ll be dope to get out of Jersey for some time.

I really need money though. Seems like half of my clothes are falling apart. I found holes in 4 shirts and clothes and cheap. I need new shoes too. This months credit bill is steeper than usual, but I’ll be getting a good amount from rebates and from peeps that owe me a few bucks for concert tickets. Now that I think about it tomorrow is pay day.

Man, I can’t wait to get to Florida.