It’s the official Lazy Sunday

Last night was more dramatic than I thought it would be, Buffy made her toe bleed again and I had to take her back to the vet to get patched up. She came out with a bandaged foot and one of those cone collars that she definatly did not appreciate. Took that off when we got home and hung out for the rest of the night with Jon, Brian and Kyle. Went to bed late and I just did some things and took care of Buffy so now the rest of the day is devoted to straight up chilling. It was freezing in here so I had to turn on the heat. Should be a nice calm evening tonight, maybe watch a movie or two and see if anything good is on tv tonight.

The Tony Hawk 8 demo went up yesterday for 360 as did Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3! I bought that and now I need a move list since I’ve forgotten how to do anything since the game came out 13 years ago. Can’t believe it’s been that long.

Buffy is on the injured reserve list

So I got home late last night, I’m tired and not feeling well so I pretty much went straight to bed. Not long after that Mom went downstairs for something (it’s like 3 am) and for some retarded reason the dog followed her.

Except she busted her ass down the stairs. She’s done it before, but she kinda slides down the last 6 steps or so and hits the bottom running. This time it sounded like she ate it. A loud thump at the end. She ended up splitting the bottom of her left paw open and mom had to take her to the vet because it wouldn’t stop bleeding. So blood on the carpet that looks like Dad got all of it out but now she has her foot bandaged. She looks pretty sad about it and I think she’s embarassed too. So she kinda hobbles around now and when mom sat down to talk to her today buffy picked up her bum foot and held it out for mom to hold. Yeah she’s retarded, but she’s cute too. I’m going to take a picture when the battery is done charging.

In brighter news, a fellow at work that should have been fired months ago for being a general ass and a complete waste of space was fired this week. Happened on my day off but he was on his last warning, made the wrong move on blowing up at like the WORST person in the department and was gone 2 hours later. My entire department’s morale is up!

Since I changed my schedule to Wed-Sat I’ve been a sort of nomad when it comes to where I sit on certain days because of lack of space. But now with the Waste of Space gone, I get his desk. Work ruled this week.

When lighting strikes…

It can really screw with electronics. We had a wild lightning storm last night and it hit really close, I was downstairs when it happened. Circuit breaker kicked in and saved the entertainment center (although I have a diesel surge protector back there too). Came upstairs and my computer was off. Turned it back on and it says a network plus wasn’t connected. So after some trouble shooting I figured that my onboard LAN connection ate it. I really have no idea how it happened, the surge or whatever must have come through the cable, through the router and then zapped that one component. A $22 dollar dent as I picked up a 10/100 ethernet card from a local computer place. Got lucky really, a lot more damage could have happened.

I’m happy that I figured out the problem and fixed it in about 5 minutes too. Even took the opportunity to clean out the inside of my computer a bit.

Catch up

Time for a quick game of catch up.

The new albums by Audioslave and Method Man, “Revelations” and “4:21…The Day After”, respectivly, are both fantastic. Fans of Rock and Rap can’t go wrong with these discs.

Dead Rising for the xbox 360 is a fantastic game, a true showcase for next gen games. It’s got a shitty DRE problem that seems to pop up once a game session that is irratating but it’s not a game killer. A sequel is a no brainer (not a zombie pun, I swear) and would be very easy to make better than the original. Namly, online co-op. Lots of great games coming out really. Company of Heros on the PC, NBA 2k7, NHL 07, Saints Row for 360, Yakuza and Okami on the PS2. The Tokyo Game Show is happening as we speak with a lot of good info coming out and X06 is next week where MS should be showing us 360 a whole lot to look foward to.

My apologies to rapper T.I after I talked shit about him a few weeks ago. I watched ATL and really liked him in it so he doesn’t suck as much as I said he did.

Howard Stern continues to suck ass. May Opie and Anthony (and lil Jimmy Norton) continue to stomp a mud hole in his greedy, egotistical, lying ass.

I’m hungry so I’m going to go eat Gods gift to man: Pizza.

Full Metal Alchemist

I recently finished watching the Full Metal Alchemist series (2 seasons, 51 episodes spread out on 13 DVDs) and I think it has unseated Cowboy Bebop as my favorite anime series. It’s an incredibly powerful show with some of the best characters ever made, great animation, amazing music and a plot that delivers on every level. It’s funny, it’s exciting, it’s really fucking sad. The series ended in Japan at the end of 2004 and we just got the DVDs last week. Cartoon Network finished showing the series in the US a few weeks ago, but it was a long wait regardless (I waited for the dvd’s because anime on dvd is infinitly better than watching it on tv). We just got the movie as well and I’m waiting for that from Netflix. I can’t wait because the show had one of the best endings I’ve ever seen in my life.

Steve Irwin

As if everybody doesn’t know already, Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter was killed today by a stingray while filming a new documentary. I think everyone is amazed a crocodile didn’t finally get him, but no matter what his death is a great loss. Cruising on the edge of danger for most of his life it’s amazing a creature that spends most of it’s life keep it real did him the most harm. He was doing what he loved, something we should all admire. Life really is something.

R.I.P Mr. Irwin and best wishes to his family.

Summer, we hardly knew you

It’s offically September, but it is Labor day weekend so we still have good weather! Yeah right. Summer ended last freaking week. The sun basically hasn’t been seen in these parts in a week. Dreary and 70 degrees at the most, nights you’re looking at 60. Winter always hangs around forever and fall never wants to give summer a chance. All in all, it’s been a crap summer. We didn’t get summer weather until mid June! Winter better not be brutal this year, I can’t take it.