Buffy Saint Marie

Buffy Saint Marie
May 1999 – December 2006

Today is a sad one. Buffy had gotten so sick we didn’t have a choice but to put her to sleep. She’d had a very hard month and it just got to be too much for her to take. Her breathing was labored, her thyroid was out of wack and today she couldn’t stand up on her own. Buffy spent the last 2 days at the vet as she was at her worst on Friday.

To spare all the details, just know that she was very sick and it was her time. I feel terrible about it, this morning was really awful. She was only 7 1/2, I know she did her best to stay with us. I looked into her eyes today and new she just wasn’t the same, the light in her eyes had gone. She hasn’t been the same Buffy in awhile. I feel numb about it now, it’s hard to take in that she isn’t here anymore.

For a long time I debated on being with her to the very end, to be with her if we had to help her go. I couldn’t do it thought. I thought I would be able to, but it was too overwhelming. I couldn’t even put words into the right order. She never liked to be alone and I felt like I should be right there when she went to sleep for the last time. Her leaving has so much pain and it was just beyond me to actually see her go.

But this is really just the negative, so let’s move on to what she really was. Buffy loved life and every single person she met. A real people pup she loved attention, to give and receive and just being with others. Simply hanging out was a good time for her. Her existence was as pure as you can get. No hate, no judgment. just love. Sure she had some annoying tendencies (loved a hand out, could raid a garbage can in quick order if you’re not looking and fancied a good sock or two), but who doesn’t? A soul from a saint and the personality of an angel.

The time since we got her when she was 8 weeks old to this very day was a joy with her. We will all miss you Buffy, from the bottom of my heart thank you for being with us. I hope you can now rest and some time down the line, I expect to see you on the other side. Thank you Buffy.

Love Always,

I missed meeting Fieldy by 5 minutes

Matt went to Starlight 17 to get a tattoo today, along with the usual suspects. I get a text message that says there is a “surprise” for me when I get there. I was at Best Buy at the time and got some food, so I was in no real rush to get there. So I finally get a call from Bagels at about 3 saying that Fieldy, the bassist for Korn is at Starlight. So I haul ass and got there a few minutes after he left. 17 was a mess with traffic, so it took extra long to get there.

Korn was in town to film an Unplugged for MTV which should be airing next month. He left to catch a plane back West but I got word that JD is going to be there in January. I’m in the loop so I fully expect me meet one of my heros next month. Fieldy signed and tattooed Kyles leg, his first ever tattoo. Came out well and looks pretty good next to kyles’ Korn tattoo. There is pics and video of it too.

I was so close!

Gears of War

Gears of War has been a long time coming. A solid 2 1/2 years in the making, Microsoft has been counting on Epic to make them a 2006 holiday winner. Microsoft got what they wanted from CliffyB and the rest of the Epic team.
Gears of War is easily one of the best games of the year, very few games look, play and sound as good as this.

The premise is simple: the planet is being taken over by the “Locust”. They come from below ground, they’re really ugly, and really big. You are Marcus Fenix, a one time COG (Coalition of Organized Governments) member who was put in jail for leaving his post to save his father. The tide of war has drastically turned and Marcus’ old war time friend, Dom, springs him from jail. From there it’s 5 Acts of near non stop action. It’s like playing inside of a Hollywood blockbuster movie.

A good 10 hour game through your first playthrough, Gears is a so called “stop and pop” 3rd person perspective gunning experience. You have to take cover or you’re dead. This isn’t Doom, or Half Life or Halo, staying in the open is a 4 second death wish. The controls are based on this, the “A” button does pretty much everything. It makes you run, makes you take cover when near a wall and lets you jump from cover to cover (and over cover) easily. It takes a good hour to get really comfortable with the controls, to learn the distances that make the cover sensitive button to engage and how to really maneuver through a level easily. Another terrific feature (and one that will be copied) is the Active Reload. When you reload your weapon, a meter appears that has a small highlighted area. When the line goes from left to right through this meter, you are reloading. You can wait for it to go all the way across to reload your weapon or if you time it right and hit the button again on that small highlighted section, you reload much faster and get a damage boost for a limited time. Miss that mark and your gun jams, eating into precious time (a huge factor in multiplayer).

Speaking of weapons, there are few but they’re all very useful. 2 types of handguns, 2 types of grenades (smoke and frag) a sniper rifle, grenade launcher, the torque bow (explosive tipped arrows!), a shotgun that is fantastic for close encounters and 2 types of assault rifles. One is the Locusts’ which is more powerful than the COG’s version but lacks one of the greatest weapon ideas of all time: the chainsaw. The COG rifle has a chainsaw on the end of it. Sneak up on fools and unleash the fury! By far one of the most unique features of the game and a riot to see. That’s the melee function of the COG rifle (just hit “B” when close), the Locust rifle is a melee shot with the butt of the gun, same with the rest of the guns. But, with the frag grenades you jam it into your opponent and have about 3 seconds to get away from them or you’re dead too. Also, if you down an opponent to their knees you can run up to them and hit “X” to curb stomp their head like a ripe melon.

The single player is a great time, each Act brings you and shows you something new. One of the greatest features is online co-op through the campaign. One player is Marcus and the other is Dom, you battle it out through the game together with voice chat so you can split up and conquer the alien invasion and help your friend when they’re downed. Also part of the XBOX Live experience is online multiplayer with 8 people.

The online modes are really where it’s at. 2 teams of 4 battle it out on the 10 maps available. Terrific strategy takes place when you get better at the game. There are 3 modes of play for this and a ranking system in place. Multi is really where this game comes into it’s own.

The Unreal 3 engine is really amazing. Very few games out right now can come close to it’s visual splendor. Insane detail, awesome animation, solid framerate, it’s all there. It’s a game to show off the 360 (HD is obviously the way to really see it work). The soundtrack and effects are equally good. The game has a real sense of weight behind every gunshot, hit, explosion, chainsaw and sick head crunch. It’s a very visceral and satisfying game. It’s certainly not without its faults though.

First, your teammate AI stinks. You’ll see Dom and the other computer controlled players do some really stupid things. Most of the time it’s best to leave them down when they’re shot because going to get them will get you killed 9 out of 10 times. If you can clean out the baddies they respawn anyway. Next is the online features. While I did say it rocks, and I stand by that, there are not enough modes to make this last as long as it could. The 3 modes are basically the same thing. One you can die anyway, Execution you have to be finished off (if your downed you just can’t be shot from far away. Gotta be a curb stomp, head shot with a pistol or chainsawed) and the last you just need to kill the specified team leader to win. Slight variations to the same thing. Plus, and my biggest gripe, the lobby system is completely stupid. Starting a game and getting people isn’t the problem. It’s the fact that you are stuck with what you pick when you make the lobby that is the problem. If you want to change the map rotation, or change the round amount or any of the available options you have to close the lobby, kicking everyone out and make a new lobby. It’s insane that this made it to retail. It boggles the mind that a game which was going to have such a huge focus on multiplayer had such an amateur lobby system. This also extends to team ranked matches. With the lame excuse of “No one is interested in it” or “To cut back on cheating” you can’t do ranked matches with a team of friends. Right now if you want to do a ranked match that ranks your skill, you have to play with random people (there is actually an exploit, but it’s stupid and shouldn’t be necessary). It’s a TEAM based game, who the F doesn’t want to play against other put together teams for ranked play? Halo 2’s lobby system really set the standard for the kinds of options and ease of use, Epic should have just used the same thing.

But all is not lost, the fans have made their voices heard and Epic has always supported their games extremely well after release so those above complaints could very well being worked on right now. They are defiantly making more maps for multi, but no date has been given yet.

Even with my complaints I love the game. It has it’s faults but the good far outweighs the bad. Everyone needs to play it………9 out of 10.

Casino Royale

In summary: the best James Bond film in a good decade. Daniel Craig has proven the haters wrong and made himself into a fantastic Bond. Easily up their with Brosnan and given some more films I’m sure he’ll give Connery a run for his money.

Royale is a restart for this 20 film running franchise. Using the first book of the same name as the premise, the writers updated some things (brought it into modern times, changed the game of baccurate to poker and such) but have kept to the book pretty closely. It’s a much more character driven film and we get to see Bond become a 007 and go through his first mission. He’s raw, violent, makes mistakes, lives, learns, loves and gets his ass kicked. This Bond is a much more real character and they’ve taken out all the weight that was ruining these movies. The gadgets (there really aren’t any in this one come to think of it) are brought back down to reality, the stunt and special effects work is 99% practical and it works to fantastic effect. Chases and fights look and feel real, there is serious impact with every brutal hit. All the action scenes are great.

The only complaint is that the pacing is off and the movie runs a good 10 minutes too long. Some nips and tucks could have been done, replaced with some exposition here and there (near the end there are bad guys that pop out of no where and you don’t know who the hell they are and why they’re there). But that’s really my only complaint. The writing is fantastic, nothing hokey or lame, the cast did a phenomenal job and even the main villain is great. He’s not a cliched megalomaniac, he’s more real, more dangerous in his power when he needs to be. One of the best films of the year.

It’s the official Lazy Sunday

Last night was more dramatic than I thought it would be, Buffy made her toe bleed again and I had to take her back to the vet to get patched up. She came out with a bandaged foot and one of those cone collars that she definatly did not appreciate. Took that off when we got home and hung out for the rest of the night with Jon, Brian and Kyle. Went to bed late and I just did some things and took care of Buffy so now the rest of the day is devoted to straight up chilling. It was freezing in here so I had to turn on the heat. Should be a nice calm evening tonight, maybe watch a movie or two and see if anything good is on tv tonight.

The Tony Hawk 8 demo went up yesterday for 360 as did Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3! I bought that and now I need a move list since I’ve forgotten how to do anything since the game came out 13 years ago. Can’t believe it’s been that long.