Category Archives: Life

Patrice O’Neil

Patrice O'neal

On November 29th, Patrice O’neal passed away from complications of a stroke he suffered in late October. I heard of him from Opie and Anthony since his first appearance, which was something like 10 years ago. He was one of my favorite stand up comics and just an incredible personality. Anything he talked about was fascinating and hilarious, it’s a tremendous loss that he’s gone at the age of 41. He had so much left in him to say and his life being cut so short really sucks. This is the first comic passing that’s really bummed me out, I always looked forward to hearing him on the radio show where he was completely free to be himself. He was in almost every time Jim Norton was out on other business, he was just an amazing talent that can’t be replaced.

His last special, Elephant in the Room is easily his best. The Roast of Charlie Sheen in September finally put the spotlight on him after so much (stubborn) hard work. Tragic end to a brilliant person. Condolences to all the friends that knew him best and the loves of his life, his family.

UPENN Stupidity

This story has absolutely blown up this week and is just hard to believe grown men in a position of power and leadership could be so fucking stupid.

Now all the facts aren’t out, the path of what happened in the passed 15 years (!) on this alleged creep, Jerry Sandusky, aren’t entirely known. It’s safe to say that the complete story is going to come out in the next few months and is going to be much worse and even more mindboggling.

This has nothing to do with football.

Without rambling on too much (there is a ton to this) and to get to my real point, how did this not stop at Mike Mcqueary’s shower sodomy discovery? There’s a hierarchy at that school and mental path that I can’t wrap my head around. From what I’ve read, Sandusky had the heat turned on him for some similar shady allegations in the late 90’s that ended up fizzling out with the authorities. It was about a year later that he retired. 3 years later is when Mcqueary caught him violating the boy. Mcqueary then calls his dad and LEAVES? He does nothing to help the kid? The next day he tells head coach JoePa (and I’m not sure what kind of detail he went into with Joe). Joe goes up a level in the school administration, which ends up going to the president of UPenn. At no time were the cops called. The “punishment” for Sandusky was that he could not bring kids on campus anymore. What? This monster was skipping around campus as of last week! Somewhere in that chain of events and executive decision some things really went wrong.

I absolutely agree that the men who did nothing to stomp this monster out of the public and into a jail cell should be shown the door. For some reason it looks like the media is focusing mostly on JoePa, which I don’t agree with. Let’s point the brunt of the burners on Sandusky (how the hell did this guy get BAIL? He’s not a risk to the public?!) Mcqueary is a dumb son of a bitch as far as I can tell. UPenn is suppossed to have the utmost pride and ethic code around, it’s insane this happened.

Why did Mcqueary think that his bosses were the authority on a heinous crime? Was he afraid of losing his job for outing a pedophile? At the very least couldn’t he have made an annomous 911 (or campus security) call to get the cops to come and investigate? How did he do NOTHING to help the boy? This just just makes him an accomplice along with the rest of the administration that was told and did nothing.

I don’t understand what the end game of their thinking was. How could not going to the cops and getting Sandusky locked up be bad? They thought this would never come out and be a million times worse? This is Freddy Krueger territory! There are 8 known victims as of now, possibly reaching into other states! They could easily have just oust Sandusky and say they had no clue what he was hiding for all these years. THAT is how you protect your industry, school, reputation, faculty, staff and students. We found out and acted immediately to one of the biggest crimes in society. He doesn’t represent the school, we cooperate with the cops to get all this under control etc. It becomes a story of one heinous individual who got caught and stopped by sane human beings and not a napalm bomb years later. Each on of the men with their heads on the chopping block would a)not be arrested and/or b) fired! JoePa could coach for as long as his heart desired and not have his legacy ruined in a trainwreck of national and world news coverage. Sandusky went on to hurt more kids!

What happened?

Missed A Month

I missed October completely, which I really didn’t want to do. Had a bunch of stuff lined up to write but then the Fall Storm of 2011 donkey punched a good portion of the Tri-state area. The most damage my town has ever seen in it’s history went down on the 29th. I left work at my normal 5:30pm time thinking the “storm” was going to be a load of “nothing” and I was completely “wrong.” An extra half hour to my commute and 2 near death experiences made for a interesting trip. Had power all Saturday as the wet stuff came down (I think we got about 6″ here), but branches and trees were snapping all over the place. Took out who knows how many power lines with many places still without power. We went Sunday from 1pm to 7am Monday in the dark. Then Monday from 1pm-630pm when it’s been back for good. It’s easy to kill an hour or so without electricity, but this was ridiculous. How did the pioneers do it? It’s so awful and boring! Freezing in the house, you can only really manage to find stuff to do when the sun is up, night is just depressing. We’re getting so soft with all the tech we rely on. Local restaurants made a fortune though, many had power while a lot of residents didn’t.

Now for a little entertainment catch up.

Peace out Summer

What a fast summer. September is also flying by, less than a week to go until October. The weather seems to be holding up though, been in or around the 70’s with some rain here and there.

The Begley Wedding went down last week, that was a long 10 month build up and it went so fast! It was a 21 hour day for me so it was a long day, but so much happened it’s all a blur now. Once the ceremony started at 11:30 or so, it was like running down hill. The weather was great, perfect actually and everything went really smoothly. Going to the hotel afterwards with 50 or so people was great too, it was a hell of a celebration. Lots of love around my friends, the have a great start together.

On Saturday I ran out of gas going to work. First time it’s happened and it really is just a stupid feeling. I always wondered how that happens to people and there I was sitting about 5 miles from work on the side of the road. The light came on the day before and I totally over estimated how much I had. I thought for sure I could make to work and fill up at work. Checked the odo and I was at 344 miles for the tank (I reset every fill up) and my calculations are for 350 miles tops. I certainty wasn’t driving to conserve gas that week (I actually got really far considering) so I would have saved myself some anguish had I checked my odo and taken a whopping 6 minutes to get some gas on the way to work. Put that one into the “never gonna happen again” pile.

In Memory of My Aunt Patty

She lost her battle with cancer on August 6th and the loss is a great one. Our whole family mourns and she is missed greatly. I wrote the following for her Eulogy.

When my mom asked me to speak today, the first thought that came to mind was what is the best way to describe my Aunt. A list of her attributes came to mind but I quickly realized that Aunt Patty can’t be summed up with just a few adjectives. Her collective spirit is what defined her.

In her successful corporate career she excelled at dealing with and understanding people. Her professional drive to excel and succeed with the added challenge of being a woman in a dominantly male profession sculpted her into a sharp professional. Despite a high standing in the companies she worked with, she still managed to stay grounded. She had the ability to have that power and be respected and admired for it.

Patty was a brilliant communicator, in speech and in writing. Always ready and willing to lend an ear and offer sage like advice. No matter the time or the topic, a thoughtful and sincere answer could be found. It was always advice to help raise your life a little bit higher. Her generosity to her family and friends never had a limit. She led by example, she pushed the idea that if success is what you need, do what you like and do it honestly.

It’s the trying times like these that make us all think about what all of this is about. Why are we here, what’s our purpose? It’s a question long asked by mankind, but I think the answer is very a simple one. We all live this life together.

Aunt Patty had an energy that was impossible to ignore. When you walk into a room and people smile when they see you, you are doing something right. It’s the positive moments in life that people hold closest and dearest. No one can ever know how long they have here so you need to take today as the most important one. Helping and caring for others builds yourself as well as those immediately around you.

Some of us are fortunate enough to look no further than our own family to see a guiding light.

Instead of mourning her death we are here to celebrate her life. I’m thankful Aunt Patty was part of my life. I’m thankful she found her soul mate in Uncle Richie who walked triumphantly next to her from the moment they met. At this moment let’s all think back and remember how Patty touched our lives. She was a beautiful person and we will always cherish her in our hearts. Her time on Earth may have been too short but I can see no reason to claim that her life was anything but a resounding success.

I locked my keys in the car

For the first time in my 12 year driving history. I always do the same thing, take the keys out and put them in my left pocket and lock the car with the button door on my way out. I think I got distracted today after I paired my new phone (Droid 3! Really dig it) to my stereo. I realized I could send my music on my phone to the car wirelessly and it sounds amazing. I was so psyched I just left the keys in the ignition like a complete tool. Didn’t realize it till I was getting ready to leave work. Dad came by with the spare remote door open (gotta find the spare key!). Did some extra time at work so it wasn’t the complete disaster it could have been.

Summer Solstice

Happy Summer everyone! It was a overcast today but the sun busted through for most of the day. Very nice right now so we’re off to a good start. We’ll see if the thunderstorms in the forecast for the rest of the week will come to fruition.

Summer is here!

Sure it’s really Spring still, but the fantastic weather has finally showed up. It rained for almost 2 weeks straight so 73-80 with just a few clouds hanging out with a sweet breeze is like being reborn. I feel so much happier it’s stupid. I really want to move to the West coast, I hate winter with a passion now.

Spring It

Dear Spring,

Please show up this is getting rediculous. You seem to be fighting winter off this weekend, but these sub 40 temps are way beyond old. Time to heat things up and make all of us happy again.

Yours Truly,


I hate work

Man, I go on a prolific writing spree in December and completely eat dirt in January. It’s been brutal at work for the passed 3 weeks, just a never ending mountain of work. The worst is over I think, but there could still be some nagging left overs this coming week. And more snow. MORE SNOW. It’s like 1985 or something. Spring can’t come soon enough.

Quick mention for WTF with Marc Maron. It’s a brilliant podcast from a brilliant stand up comic, Marc Maron. Like any stand-up with his salt out there, he’s nuts. But he does some of the greatest interviews. He’s pushing 150 episodes now, each with a different comic (there are some 2 parters though, Judd Apatow, Louie CK, Carlos Mencia). You can get it from his website, through Itunes and the Zune marketplace. check it out.