Category Archives: Life

Cornea Transplant: Week 5

This is more like week 6, but who’s counting. Had a check up on Thursday and it went well. The blood shot eye is just that, a broken blood vessel. Maybe from a sneeze or something, but Dr. Perl said it’s nothing to worry about. It usually takes 3 weeks to go away (I’m almost at 2 weeks and it’s much better) and it won’t/doesn’t affect the surgical area. Pain really isn’t there, although I think I got soap in it a few days ago. That hurt. I get the occasional itchy feeling. Sensitivity to light is good too.

The eye is on track, the transplant looks healthy and he removed one stitch. I have been wondering how that was going to work and the answer is: With a tweezer! I thought he was going to pluck a rogue eyelash but no, he plucked that sucker out like a pro. Didn’t hurt…I can’t really describe the feeling. Like peeling an old band aid, that feeling where you can feel the adhesive give and the skin kinda snaps free? Plucking a hair might be a better fit, but much easier. There’s 7 more and one that goes all the way around the surgery line. The blurriness is still very apparent but there’s nothing to do but keep up with the anti rejection drops and let it fit into place. Depending on the lighting it’s hard to notice or pretty bad. At it’s worse there’s like a double/triple halo effect. It’s not as bad as pre-op , it’s just different. Still about 2 months for the recovery time to end so I’m expecting great improvement. On the right track which feels good.

Cornea Transplant: Week 4

Vision wise, I really haven’t noticed a change. Very blurry, almost a triple vision effect with certain lighting situations. The visual difference from pre and post op really is just a different kind of visual impairment. Right now I’d say it wasn’t worth it, but this is expected and have 2 more months of real recovery to go.

Last week my eye got really blood shot. The whole left corner was blood red, looked like a horror movie effect. I never felt anything happen, it just seemed to happen. When I called the doctor they said if there is no pain, it’s okay. There’s a lot going on in there and this gruesomeness is apparently normal. If it got worse, or started to hurt it may be a problem. It’s now 11 days later and it does look better. That trauma or whatever is slowly getting better, but it still looks gross. There is a pretty distinct blood clot looking thing just to the left of my retina, where the white part of the eye starts. Gotta wait it out, I’m due for an eye drop now actually.

Cornea Transplant: Week 3

18 Days in, no real pain but it feels odd at times, like an irritation. Yesterday I noticed the first change in light sensitivity for the better so that’s a real tangible improvement in a few days. Waters the most if it’s too bright, but that’s not much of an issue any more. Still very blurry, get a double vision on text.

Cornea Transplant: Week 2

Every day a little bit better. Pain isn’t really an issue, it feels irritated from time to time. That itchy feeling sometimes. Still pretty sensitive to light so I wear the sunglasses all the time. Down to 4 drops a day from 10 after seeing the Dr. on Thursday so that’s a great relief. Much easier to manage and the tearing is less (although it’s still really annoying. The blurriness is still a problem, but again a little bit better every day. That’ll probably be fine when the sensitivity to light subsides. That could be a while, but it’s definitely healing.

Cornea Transplant: Week 1

Just about a week into this. It sucks. The procedure itself was really easy. Got to the hospital at 6am, procedure started around 7:15 and I was on the way home at 9:30. They got it down to a science, a well oild machine even! Knocked out for the numbing shots and drops. I think I remember most of the actual surgery. Had no idea I was knocked out at all which is a really strange feeling. Pain started around 4:30 when the shots and stuff wore off.

The pain is the easy part, it’s just a stinging sensation. Feels like I had sand in my eye or something. Tylenol kept the worst of it at bay and as of Sunday, the pain is almost all gone. What sucks is the CONSTANT tears. Like my brain is convinced there is something in there that can we washed out and it just does it all waking hours. The drops don’t help that. And the drops! Nine to ten a day! It’s more annoying than anything. Having your day chopped up based on a 2 to 4 hour eye drop regement gets old really fast. Super sensitivity to light and Ultra Blur makes it very hard to keep my left eye open for very long. It’s a really mentally tiring day.

Haven’t driven in a week, I hope to get back by Friday. Technically I could, but I’m not comfortable with it yet. Been having really weird dreams all week too, seen a lot of high school people for some reason, one serial killer nightmare and last night I had a Batman movie dream. Turns out my mind is a fantastic director even if each scene makes less sense than the last one. Wake up a lot too, wearing a guard over they eye will never be comfortable. Interestingly, I’ve been linking dreams a lot whenever I wake up and fall asleep again.

This recovery looks to be a long one, a week in and I just want to be able to keep my eye open for more than 10 seconds at a time. To read and play videogames! Really want to see The Dark Knight Rises, my ultimate prize just waiting there.

Time for some eye drops.

That’s a tidal wave

This week has finally arrived. In order, I have cornea transplant surgery tomorrow morning on my left eye. Then, on Friday, The Dark Knight Rises is released to the world. Oh yeah, that’ s my last day at work. Eight years and I’m out, massive downsizing for the company. It’s been months since I’ve been counting down to this week and it’s a surreal experience. Excitement, anxiety…fear? Fear.

I’m probably making the surgery out to me much worse than it will be in my head, but I really don’t want to do it. Not looking forward to it, but that’s how these things go. My vision is such crap though that I can’t ignore. I have the insurance so let’s pull the trigger. If all goes well this will just be a blip on the radar.

Batman, not sure when I’m going to see that. Probably next week. IMAX it up, I’ll probably end up seeing it twice if it’s as good as I hope it is.

I keep thinking being unemployed is going to be like a vacation. I don’t think I ever took off more than week in 8 years. 10 days in a row, tops. Maybe I did that once, I was always trying to save days off. Working Saturday for all of those years.

I have a few movies to write about, watch quite a few in the passed 2 days. I’ll probably get to that on Thursday, do at least one. Now that I won’t be typing for someone else all day I’ll feel up to writing more on my own.

Lots of good Summer TV too, Breaking Bad is finally back and it’s a super strong start to season five. I’ll write some more on that too. Early night tonight, gotta be at the hospital at 6am. I hate mornings.


Got into my first car accident yesterday. In Paramus, I had to stop behind a Honda CR-V who wanted to make a shady left hand turn (double yellow line, but there are no signs that say you can’t do it. I’m not sure if you’d get pulled over if a cop saw you…it’s a super shady turn to want to do). It was raining and a Pontiac Aztec didn’t stop in time and rear ended me.

I heard tires screech, then silence, then POW *shattered glass flying*. I first thought a grenade went of near my car, it was such a weird sound and physical sensation. I didn’t move too much, the entire car shook as the energy shot through it from back to front. My lower back feels tweaked, but I think I got pretty lucky. The other driver was fine and her car had no damage. The spare tire was shoved a couple inches into the door, so the glass is totally gone and the door is dented in all around the tire. Not sure if the spare got messed up, it probably did though. I’ll find out tomorrow. I was surprisingly calm through the whole thing, but it was such a shock, that’s what’s sticking with me. The woman was really upset, she admitted it right away that she was in the wrong.

Pain in the ass having to go through the insurance system, hopefully everything goes smoothy and I’ll have my car back into new condition. Figures, the day after I finally get the tire pressure light to completely reset. That was annoying and now this. Hey, no hospital and my car still works fine so any moaning sounds kinda silly.

The Cannonball Loop

New Jersey is full of urban legends, Action Park being one of them. But it’s not a legend, that place was real and it was CRAZY. Not in the good way. It was a water park built on a ski resort that had little to do with safety in mind when it was built. It’s hard to believe that the place was allowed to be opened let alone in use for nearly 20 years. I mean, people showed up every summer despite 6 deaths and countless injuries (mostly ripped flesh). The stories about the place were rampant and often exaggerated, but most of it had a true story behind it. It got the name “Traction Park” for a real reason. They advertised the shit out of the place too.

Cannonball Loop is the most notorious. And dangerous. I went to Action Park once, but drove by it a lot as it was on the way to my grandma’s house. I vividly remember seeing it there, long since closed. It was something that looked like it never should have been built, there was just no way it could work. I also remember wondering why there was no pool at the end of it, just this plot of land. It was like a torture device that was just left to rot. That article explains it. I remember getting a weird vibe from the place too, it just didn’t feel like a safe place. A lot of rickety construction, literal holes of water that had been turned into “rides” by putting a plank and a rope swing over a 20 foot drop. The place was a dump, I mean they left Cannonball Loop standing because it would have cost money to send it back to hell. I haven’t even mentioned the Alpine (read: concrete) Slide. That thing messed people up.

More in depth horror here! You have to read it to believe it.

Rise From Your Grave

I was sick for most of April. Started as a stomach virus early on that I thought I made through in about 24 hours. That thing hung on to me and tried to rearrange my DNA. A vice like grip on my stomach which spawned into acid reflux (horrible and bewildering if you’ve never had it) made me afraid to eat. Which is a also a horrible feeling to have. You eat every day and it’s generally really enjoyable, but when you are convinced it’s going to make you feel like hell, not so much. That gave me anxiety along with some other real world stress. I’d be sick and then feel fine for about a week and then it came back again with a vengeance. The passed 2 weeks I was sick pretty much every day with some relief here and there. I went to the doctor on my birthday, then 4 days later. Just getting medicine to get a handle on this was stupid (wrong dosage from a stupefying lack of communication between Dr. and pharmacist).

I think I have it behind me now. Of course I pulled a groin muscle on Friday night, but that wasn’t too bad. 3-4 days for that to heal, nothing like my January blitzkrieg. It’s been a dumb 2012 so far, but I’m starting to feel like I’m getting myself back now. That feels good. You don’t realize how important something is until it stops working.


The whole world is back in motion today. The last 2 weeks of the year are always called in, everyone just wants to go on vacation. It’s the end of the year, let’s just call it a day and wait until the new year to do anything significant. Back to work, back to school.

Let’s all hope for a better year, 2011 was a rollercoaster. It’s down right freezing today, it’s run through the outdoors to get back inside when the wind kicks up.

I’ve been on a major Harry Potter kick since the end of Thanksgiving. ABC Family played most of the movies and the last movie hit DVD around the same time so I got swept up in that old feeling again. Decided to read the whole story from beginning to end, which I have never done before. I’m half way through Year 6 right now and I gotta say it still remains my favorite series for good reason. Amazing to think that it ended almost 5 years ago. The last movie I watched in 2011 was Deathly Hallows Part 1 (it’s a damn good movie), I’ll be watching Part 2 this week. I’ll probably finish reading by February. That’s a shit load of pages.

Welcome Winter

December 21st was the official start of winter so that means a few things.

It’s that much closer to being over. Any cold weather is acceptable because it’s winter. The shortest day of the year has passed so we’re going to start getting more daylight, that is the right direction.

Now I can only hope we don’t get pounded by snow this year…it’s been unseasonably warm lately.