Category Archives: Life
I’m Back
Spent the last week in Los Angeles visiting family and getting my networking on for a more than likely move this year! A lot of fun and a lot to think about.
I’m behind a week now with all my responsibilities, so I have a lot to catch up on now. I’m going to skip TV reviews from last week, which I think actually accounts for The Americans since Shameless and Black Sails are over. The Walking Dead also ended but not revealing who died is some clown show levels of stupid and pointless. Fear of the Walking Dead started, but I’m not going to write about that show. House of Lies on Showtime kicked off and I need to catch that…probably won’t write about it. I’m really behind on my book and the goal is to have it finished in July so I’m going to be adjusting my work flow quite a bit.
And lest we forget! NHL Playoffs start tonight! Rangers v Penguins, this could be super rough. Pitt is favored by everyone so nothing but the A list Rangers is going to have to show up and throw down.
Amazing breakthrough in humanoid robotics
Watch this!
Game Over Man! Game Over!
Last night the Rangers lost to the Lighting in game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals 2-0. A shut out after delivering a 7-3 beating in game 6. Such an unjust end, I’m still annoyed almost 24 hours later. I can’t even bring myself to look up a picture as a header for this post.
The better team did win. This series made no sense at all as it oscillated back and forth every single game. Close calls and blow outs every other game. Game 7 turned out to be game 5 almost exactly, which is just infuriating. Nothing worked for the Rangers (I think injuries and exhaustion finally caught up with them like in 2012), it was so hard to watch. Tampa locked down their defense, the Rangers too slow on the uptake and when a mistake happened, Tampa was all over it. Rangers struggled with Power Plays all season and it’s partially what did them in. Zooks getting hurt 2 months ago along with Nash and MStL going cold in the playoffs really cut off options. I thought for sure they’d get at least back to back Conference wins heading into the playoffs.
It’s a big chunk of disappointment after an amazing run. Best season in franchise history, and three rounds of exciting playoffs. Â Looking back at it, I’ve watched just about every Ranger game in the last 6 months with the real chance of winning the Stanley Cup for the first time in 21 years. Now part of the disappointment is not having a game to look forward to watching. Tampa will play either the Ducks or Blackhawks (that will be decided tonight, Blackhawks rallying to push a game 7) but without a pony in the race I find it hard to care much.
I’d like to see the hockey season be cut by about 2 weeks or so. The Cup should be awarded in the middle of May, it’s just too much of an endurance race with 82 regular season games. Not to mention hockey in the summer is weird. Everyone is beat to hell and exhausted, championships shouldn’t be decided on players being held together with athletic tape and running on fumes.
Now all that’s left on is baseball. I’m not into watching grass grow so I’ll just hang up my jersey and bullhorn until the 2015-2016 NHL season in October. We’ll get ’em next year.
From Verizon Wireless to Cricket Wireless
This has worked out so well for me, I thought I’d share this.
I’ve been on Verizon Wireless since 1999. In that time, my bill went from $40 a month to $87 as time and features went on. The breakdown:
- standard $40 entry fee just to get on the network- unlimited* calls with 450 out of network minutes.
- $10 for unlimited* texting with 500 out of network messages.
- $30 for 2 gigs of data.
- The rest to taxes and fees.
* Do I need to mention how this unlimted claim is completely bogus?
My useage made this a complete rip off. I rarely make phone calls (10 minutes tops), a good 1200 text messages a month (most friends are on VZW so I very rarely went over) and I averaged a gig a month in data. My contract came to an end in the middle of April so I started looking at alternatives around February.
Looked at the other big players, T-Mobile, Sprint and AT&T. ATT offered me no savings, T-M coverage is spotty where I am and the “cut your bill in half” program from Sprint was really tempting. Sprint coverage is alright around here.
Then the “new guys” Boost, Ting and Cricket. Boost is verizon and was still kinda expensive and I’ve heard their customer service stinks. I’d save a ton on Ting (they charge based on usage), but they use Sprints network. So I checked out Cricket and getting unlimited voice and text (true unlimited) and 2.5 gigs of data for $40 on ATT’s network was the clear winner.
Picked out the Motorola Moto E (2nd gen, it has 4G LTE) on sale for $80. It’s a mid-range smartphone, something like $125 new. Runs the latest version of Android (Lollipop) with nothing running on top so it arrived bloat free and runs really fast. 8 gigs internal storage with a microSD card slot (I have a 16gig card). No flash, an average camera, a good 4.5″ 720p screen. It’s not packed with the latest tech, but I can do everything I did before with my Galaxy S3 and the battery life is simply awesome. I can go a good 2 days without having to charge it. I don’t play many mobile games and take few pictures so I don’t need bleeding edge hardware.
Cricket has a bunch of cellphone options to choose from and you can bring a unlocked GSM phone to the service which is pretty great. Odds are they have the hardware to fit you. I think the only thing that would keep you tethered to ATT or Verizon is if you somehow still have a grandfathered unlimited data plan.
So with Cricket Wireless I don’t have a contract (so no threat of an early termination fee) and pay $35 a month (that includes taxes and fees) with auto-bill pay. I’m saving a small fortune ($624 a year) with a better data plan to boot. Switching is the smartest decision I’ve made in awhile. As I wise man once said, “Everything is coming up Milhouse!”
Rollercoasters 2015
Now that we’re well into spring, it’s time for all the cold weather amusement parks to open for buisness along side their warm weather competition. New season means new attractions and here are some of the biggest rollercoasters in America for 2015!
Thunderbird *Now Open* at Holiday World
Tempesto *Now Open* Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Wicked Cyclone *Opening Soon* Six Flags New England
Fury 325 *Now Open* Carowinds
Twisted Colossus *Opening Soon* Six Flags Magic Mountain
Good News Everyone!
It’s April! The greatest month of them all! Lots to look forward to for everyone!
The weather has been brutal, but April is the turn around month. It hit 50 today after snowing yesterday. Looks like we’ll be bopping around the 50’s for the next few days which means we are going in the right direction.
Tons of entertainment this month.
Fast and Furious 7 kicks it off on the 3rd. Avengers 2 on May 1 (close enough to April, the hype is going to be unreal).
Mortal Kombat X drop kicks the world on the 15th. Beta test for Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void.
Season premieres of Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley, Orphan Black, and Inside Amy Schumer. Gotham is finally returning from break and Daredevil kicks off on Netflix!
Season finales for Face Off, Helix, The Americans and Better Call Saul.
SERIES finale of Justified and the final 8 episodes of Mad Men!
And my birthday. Just saying.
Summer, I knew ye well
It’s September! Schools are back in full swing and the days are getting noticeably shorter. I love summer and when the ninth month hits, it’s always a mentally trying time. Just the idea of colder weather is depressing. Last winter was brutal and summer took it’s sweet time to show up (it didn’t get really nice until well into May). The good news is that Fall officially starts on September 23rd, which is a little more than 2 weeks away. Â The summer weather has been sticking around (High 80’s with not much humidity during the day and beautiful low 70 nights) and looks to be keeping that path for at least the next week. It’s not over yet! Gotta savor the days and be happy that it’s still here. I totally expect a big temp shift on the 23rd because fall is never late. Wish Summer didn’t drag it’s feet in and then sprint away at the end.
For the first time since I’ve had this site, a redesign! Made a huge upgrade leap in WordPress software thanks to Ralph Musco! Couldn’t have done it without him (should have thought of doing it sooner, would have saved a lot of work).
I decided to keep the format very simple, don’t want to bog it down too much. This is just a blog I want to keep attractive and quick. Besides, you come here for my brilliant text :). I changed the colors a bit, new header image. It’s super easy to change anything on here now so I can refresh things nearly at the drop of a hat if I feel so inclined.
New review coming tonight for a full celebration of this monumental event!
Certification Complete
On Monday March 3rd, I successfully completed the Microsoft Excel 2010 Specialist program at Ramapo College. I needed to seriously boost my skill and knowledge in Excel and I can now officially say I am a Certified Professional. Two month course, we covered a lot of material and the test is no joke. Haven’t been in a classroom in quite sometime, but I’ve kept my aptitude for note taking and studying!
Eyeball update!
I just realized that I haven’t given an update on my eye surgery in awhile.
I got the sutures out in the first week of July, just short of a year from the surgery date. Dr. Perl’s hypothesis that the sutures were distorting the cornea were correct as my vision has gotten way better since they’ve come out. I’m still taking anti-rejection drops but I’m calling this procedure a complete success. Every check up has been good, the graft and new cornea have been perfect and healthy, just some blurriness was hanging around. Now that that is gone, everything is looking beautiful again.
Okay summer
It was in the mid 70′ yesterday, 80 today and it looks like high 70’s tomorrow with t-storms. It’s amazing. I’ve kept the windows open all day, it’s a joy to go outside without a coat. Everyone is stoked about it, you can feel the amount of positive vibes in the air. It’s going to get to more normal spring temps on Thursday, but still very pleasant if the rain isn’t too bad.