Category Archives: Life

Got my eye fixed.

It went well, Dr. Hersch was really psyched. He got 90% of the scar and thinks that my vision should return back to normal. Could take up to a month to completely heal, but it’s something to look forward to. Right now it’s really blurry, I have a clear contact lens that comes out on Monday. My eye stings but not a lot, but this morning it was like my eye was going supernova. Got 3 different drops, one for anti inflammatory, one for pain and one antibiotic.

The procudure was pretty easy actually, it’s more mentally daunting than anything. Didn’t need any sedative, and the surgery took like 15 minutes. You can’t see anything but a light and a mess of blurry colors. It didn’t really hurt, I could feel pressure like when you rub your eye. Thank god it’s over with though, it’s been a long time coming and I just want this to be over and done with.

Yay Verizon

After feeling slighted from the first phone call to verizon, I was so bugged that I called back. Got a girl who wasn’t a poopy head and fixed my bill. 71 dollars taken off bringing my bill down to what it should be.

Thank you!

Not a happy Verizon customer

To make a long story short:
A month or so ago I upgraded my cell plan to unlimited data for 60 a month. With taxes and shit, it got to like 80 bucks. The service BLEW. It was like being on the internet in 1994 on a 2 inch screen. Slow, nothing loaded right. I had that shit for a week and called Verizon to change it back to how I had it. I said change it now exactly to how it was before, this “upgrade” is insulting. So I go on my merry way and now I find out that she didn’t make the change until the next billing cycle started (3/5). So for some asinine reason my text plan wasn’t unlimited and I’m being charged 80 bucks for overages. That’s about 800 text messages that I’m suddenly paying for. What kind of bullshit is that?

Hey, I get a 10% “inconvenience refund” though! My contract doesn’t end until Jan 2010…

Media Frenzy

I have so much shit to watch now, I don’t know where to start. Fringe and Lost are back. Nip/Tuck is off to a hell of a mid season start. Americas Best Dance Crew is back and could be the best season yet. Addicted to watching Sliders on Netflix Watch it Now along with 30 Rock. Just finished playing Prince of Persia and really dug it. And now I got Skate 2!

The cats from 1UP who lost their gigs have started back up doing their own shit…Rebel FM replaces 1UP Yours and CO-OP rises from the 1UP Show ashes.

And Obama is now offically The Man! Things are looking positive these days! PLUS! Slipknot at MSG in 2 weeks! AAHHHHHHHH!

Happy New Year!

Just a few hours left of 2008, here’s to a great 2009. Keeping with tradition, I’m not making any New Years resolutions because that’s all hack bullshit. I’ll do what I said last year and work to make my life better.

I took a big step yesterday with that, I paid off my car 5 months early. A huge debt is now gone and it feels awesome. My car is still in fantastic condition and has kept a lot of it’s value (15k on the current mileage). My plan is to keep it until the engine falls out. No need to take on new debt for a new car when mine still rules. My eye is now on the prize of moving out…some where yet to be determined.


Happy Holidays

The season is almost over. I’m outta here for a few days to visit family and then the new year is right there. I gotta work New Years Day, but I could use the money and maybe it’ll be the start of a good 2009. 2008 has been kinda fucked up.

Somebody wasn’t paying attention

The camera guy had to have set Palin up, there is no other way.

Jump to about 2:30 to get to the point. This stupid turkey pardoning ritual that goes down every Thanksgiving season is enough as it is. But this is just a whole new level as Dumbell Palin gives a post interview outside of the turkey pen only to blabber on right in front of turkeys being slaughtered for food! Look at the guy holding the turkey upside down as the gore pours out of the stupid thing! “Am I on TV? Are they getting this shit? I can’t be in frame….am I? They wouldn’t do that. Nah, they wouldn’t.”

She’s still the butt of a joke even when she’s completely irrelevant now.