My Review: The Man with the Iron Fists

The Man with the Iron Fists is RZA’s love letter to kung fu movies. It’s a hell of an achievement too! He fell in love with kung fu movies when he was 9, infused the culture into his rap group The Wu Tang Clan and made it all the way to China to direct a major motion picture he co-wrote.

The story goes that a shipment of gold is heading through the Jungle Village. Rival gangs, assassins and the government clash over the gold where the local black smith is caught in the middle. His only goal was to make enough money to escape the area with his girlfriend, but the new leader of the Lion gang puts an end to that. A classic tale of revenge and justice mixed with flying fists and feet.

RZA touches on all the classic step stones of the old kung fu flicks, monks, meditation, cool weapons, wire work, fights a plenty, elaborate and gorgeous costumes, super powerful villains and characters with awesome names (Jack Knife, Poison Dagger, Madam Blossom, Lady Silk).

If you like kung fu movies, check this out lickity split. There’s some solid action, if a bit too quick cut, but there’s a lot of great ideas and love on display here. Congrats to RZA on making his boyhood dream come true.

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