Cornea Transplant: Week 5

This is more like week 6, but who’s counting. Had a check up on Thursday and it went well. The blood shot eye is just that, a broken blood vessel. Maybe from a sneeze or something, but Dr. Perl said it’s nothing to worry about. It usually takes 3 weeks to go away (I’m almost at 2 weeks and it’s much better) and it won’t/doesn’t affect the surgical area. Pain really isn’t there, although I think I got soap in it a few days ago. That hurt. I get the occasional itchy feeling. Sensitivity to light is good too.

The eye is on track, the transplant looks healthy and he removed one stitch. I have been wondering how that was going to work and the answer is: With a tweezer! I thought he was going to pluck a rogue eyelash but no, he plucked that sucker out like a pro. Didn’t hurt…I can’t really describe the feeling. Like peeling an old band aid, that feeling where you can feel the adhesive give and the skin kinda snaps free? Plucking a hair might be a better fit, but much easier. There’s 7 more and one that goes all the way around the surgery line. The blurriness is still very apparent but there’s nothing to do but keep up with the anti rejection drops and let it fit into place. Depending on the lighting it’s hard to notice or pretty bad. At it’s worse there’s like a double/triple halo effect. It’s not as bad as pre-op , it’s just different. Still about 2 months for the recovery time to end so I’m expecting great improvement. On the right track which feels good.

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