If you want to watch really good cinema these days, you can pretty much turn to documentaries to see the best stuff you could ever want to see. There’s a lot of stuff going on in the world and a lot of people brave and talented enough to cover it.
Enter Waiting For Superman. It’s about the failing US Public School system. The system has been on the decline for about 40 years now and the growing global economy is exacerbating the problem(s). Soon the United States won’t have the higher educated population to fill the high demand/paying jobs of the coming job market(s).
It’s a problem that has festered in a system that hasn’t changed to adapt to the changing world. There are people in power (two massive teachers unions in particular) that refuse to admit the problem and will not allow forward thinking people make the new steps we need. Time and a mind boggling amount of money is wasted every year. Waiting For Superman gives a very clear picture of today’s education system by following 5 students; showing what is really happening to real students all over the nation of every economic class.
A must watch.