Daily Archives: April 12, 2007


Is a really fun movie. Nothing has been made like it in decades. Sure we’ve always had horror movies, but none that are throw backs like this to the 70’s double features with trailers. It’s a refreshing time really, 3 hours long with 4 fake trailers and 2 full length (80 min) movies. Rob Rodriqez’s Planet Terror (zombie flick) is my favorite, it’s gory, over the top, really funny and entertaining from start to finish. Quentin Tarintino’s Death Proof was way longer than it should have been. The concept is brilliant, a serial killer that uses his car as his weapon. There’s a big set up to get to know the 4 girls that leads to a phenominal pay off, but then the movie basically starts over again with 4 new girls, a whole new set up/intro that takes forever and then a great ending (for the most part). Kurt Russell is the man, don’t get me wrong, but QT just writes some of the most rambling shit known to man. Face it, it’s bitches babbling about shit that no man would ever want to sit around to begin with. Of course it’s just girls being girls and I’m sure the whole structure is an homage to some past shit, but it was still a dull stretch to sit through.

Good times though, everyone needs to see it so we can get a sequel. The possibilities are endless.