Monthly Archives: August 2006

Hope you live on a hill

Because it’s been raining for 5 days now. It drizzles, then stops, then rains, then stops, then poors, then stops. 5 straight days without seeing the sun, this is a horrible way to end the summer. I hope that hurricane doesn’t fuck up the east coast too bad.

Also, if anyone is looking to buy a wedding dress, please contact me. I got it posted up on craigslist for North Jersey.


I watched Brick a few nights ago and it’s easily one of the Top 10 movies of the year I’ve seen. It’s a modern day film noir. Meaning it’s a detective story with really wild dialog. Think Max Payne and Sin City as recent homages to the genre.

The star of the film is Joseph Gordon-Lewitt who is best know as the kid on the TV show 3rd Rock From the Sun. He plays Branden, senior (I think) in high school who finds his ex girlfriend dead and tries to find out why and who killed her. That’s the basic premise of it. The tale quickly careens you into fantastic characters and situations with Branden leading the charge. He’s a complete bad ass as he digs for the truth, holding back to get more info when he needs it and beating ass when duty calls. It’s wonderfully shot, the cast is awesome (Levitt is my new favorite actor now), the editing is tight as can be and the dialog drips cool. I’m rambling like a fantatical movie critic, but I really love this movie.

BUT- if your the type of person who can’t follow a plot and has to ask people “what did he say? What’s going on?” this might not be the movie for you. The style of dialog takes some getting used to, they speak fast and use a certain type of vocabulary that is thick with code words. You can easily watch this movie a few times and still pull out stuff you never noticed before. Also, if you don’t buy into the premise, that these high school kids are operating in the type of world they are in (a young drug cartel), you won’t like it. If that sense of disbelief is there, it won’t have the same effect.

Buy it, rent it, do whatever you have to to see Brick.

West Side!

My sister and nephew are visiting from CA. Their 3 week visit started last week and it’s been an interesting week so far. Having a 2 year old in the house has made things much more lively around here. Even the dog seems extra alert.

So 2 year olds are interesting little beings. It’s like the purest form of a human being. They don’t really know anything, simple things are exciting, talking is used but rarely understandable. There is a very smart man just waiting to grow up in Danny.

He loves to swim, except he doesn’t know how to. He’ll jump face first, wiggle a bit and someone will pull him above the water so he can breath. Had to remind him a few times to close his mouth when he jumps in. You do things for so long you don’t ever remember learning the seemingly obvious stuff.

Dealing with a 2 year old also brings out the authority in you. Not just keeping him from hurting himself (jumping down stairs, the dog knocking him over, running into furniture, choking on food because he tries to put too much into his mouth), but in hostage like negotiation. Danny likes to think everything is his “that’s mine” and is very impatient. I was an impatint bastard when I was a kid, took along time to improve that, so I can relate to that one easily. It’s like if he wants something, like juice, when he should be eating you have to say he can have juice if he takes another bite of food. Take that scenario and apply it to just about anything. A complex web of negotiation, vibs and bait and switches. And don’t you dare say bedtime. That’s offensive. I totally relate to that one though. I’ve been a night owl since I was born so that must be genetic. Bedtime was a very offensive word to me when I was young.

He does a lot of funny stuff too, but I’ll save that for another post. I need to take more pictures too, I’ll upload those to flickr and let you know it’s up right here.