Monthly Archives: September 2005

Just what I need to deal with

I signed up for automatic car payments last month with Chase. Get the confirmation that on 9/15, it’s going to kick in. So I don’t have to remember to send that payment in, it’ll deduct the correct amount on the 15th of every month (the date the payment is due). So today I get something in the mail saying that my payment is late. After giving a hearty WTF to the room, I look at my account online and see that on the 15th, the transaction went through. And then on the same day THEY SENT THE MONEY BACK TO ME. How fucking stupid is that? Now I have to wait until Monday to call them up and set this shit straight. If they think I’m paying a $10 late fee for their error, they are wrong. And fuck the automatic payment, it’s back to sending them money myself.

Top Gear

Top Gear is a British made automotive show that has been picked up by the Discovery Channel. It’s an awesome show that I think more people need to know about. They drive/show off cars from all over the place like Astin Martins, Voxels, BMW, Porche, Bentley, Jags…just to name a few. A lot of cars we only get to see a picture and a paragraph about in car magazines. Excellent hosts, commentary and direction, they go all over the world, they talk in depth about the cars, just an awesome show. Anyone who likes cars should check it out.

New episodes or on Wednesdays at 10pm. On tonights episode they were talking about how this car (don’t remember the name, never seen it before either) had been engineered with some crazy new safety designs. To test it out, they had a guy drive it into another car at 30mph! So he T bones another car and he walks out of it. The sides of the car were fine, they just opened the door to let the guy out and he was ok, it was pretty amazing. The funny thing is, they never told the car company that they were going to crash their car. Their insurance must be insane.

Futurama Returns?!

IGN FilmForce interviewed Billy West (he does countless voice overs, easily one of the best in the game today) and he said this!

IGNFF: And what about the rumors of new Futurama adventures on the horizon?

WEST: Well, they’re more than rumors. I was talked to. The first bulletin that I got is that they were in talks with Fox because Fox was very, very happy with the way the DVDs were selling. (Executive Producer) David Cohen told me they were in talks with Fox and that things were looking great, and that their idea was to make a Futurama movie to DVD, and then maybe release a second one. Then I heard that it was decided to do that.

IGNFF: And you’re ready and rarin’ to go?

WEST: I’m ready and rarin’ to go, because I love that show more than anything. I thought it was just far and away above anything I had ever done.

Nip/Tuck- S3E2

What a fucked up episode. I consider this one more of a transitional episode as this episode was more about Matt. Yeah, he’s all fucked up in the head, and he looks even more like Michael Jackson with that long hair. But at least he shaved it off. But now he knows the truth about Ava (nice guest spot for Famke) and he may, in fact, be a real fan of trannys now. But make no mistake! He’s not gay. I was suprised they let “pussy” through unedited and holy cow at Julia’s mother smoking with Matt (on screen). And then again with Julia!

I thought it was an average episode overall, but next week looks to be awesome with the continuation on Christians blooming 3 way relationship.

I also got to watch Robots which was a fun movie. Made by the studio that did Ice Age, Robots is a simple movie about the robot Rodney Cooperbottom leaving home to make a difference in the world as an inventor. He heads to Robot City to meet his idol and try and work with him. But, evil is afoot and Rodney and his new friends the Rusty’s team up to save the day. An excellent voice cast (the dude that played Kenny in Half Baked plays Lug!) and some really terrific animation. The look of the movie really stands out with some terrific and consistant art design. A ton of work was put into the character and world creation and it really shows. Good way to waste an hour twenty.

Next up: Lords of Dogtown.

I want a puppy.

For the past week, I’ve had that urge to go out and buy something. Blame it on the pay raise from getting a promotion at work. I want a lot of useless shit like electronics, but I want to get a puppy. I like to think that she (I’d definatly get a girl) would be a great friend for Buffy to have and….I want a puppy. I told mom and she said, “Do you have the money for a dog?” At that point Dad walked through and said, “If we get another dog, that one *points to Buffy laying on the floor* is out of here.”

I man can dream at least. Acutally I did last night, it was a German Shepard I think. I don’t even like German Shepards.

More Impressions

So I really liked the season premiere of N/T. Not shocking in anyway, but it was a “getting back to the story” kind of premiere. 2 new characters joined the show, we get some basics on the Slasher situation and the condition of the love triangle (julia, sean, chrisitan). It looks like Matt gets into some really deep shit in a few episodes…the whole season just has tremendous potential. Rest assured I will be in front of the tv every Tuesday at 10pm.

Now on to my other love: Korn. The new album is coming out at the end of November so that means the first single is out. After finding out it hit the radio (Twizted Transistor) a few days ago I tracked it down. I don’t know what to think. I was afraid that after Head left, they’d take shit in a totally different direction or just fuck things up in general. I mean without Head, their fundamental sound had to change with no intentions of replacing him. It’s definatly different. Without Jon’s distinctive voice, you can’t really tell it’s a Korn song. It has that catchy hook, but Fieldy’s trademark bass sound isn’t there. That Korn sound isn’t as pronounced. It doesn’t grab you by the ears and shake your shit like it should. It’s more…I don’t want to say clubish but it kind of is. It sure as shit isn’t metal and I think it walks the line of rock. I have it on repeat now, so I’ve listened to it like 15 times in a row and while it’s grown on me, I definitely don’t want the whole album to sound like this. The world needs more ass kicking rock. I’ll be pissed if Matrix produced this right into the direction I never wanted Korn to go in. Jon has said he’s really happy with the album, so I still have hope. I’ll probably buy the album regardless though. THIS JUST IN: The name of the album is “See You On The Other Side” and is coming out on December 2nd.

Awhile back I mentioned I was going to write a short film script. Said I’d do it in 2 days. Yeah, I’m a liar. I’m not even half way done with it and I wrote about it like a month ago. My new goal is to push myself more. I procrastinate way too fucking much and I got to get shit going. If anyone has any TV/movie ideas bouncing around your head, let me know. I could use all the good ideas in the world right now. That and winning the lottery. I could use a lot of money too.


My favorite show is FINALLY back. Thank god. Season 2 ended in early October of 2004 and the Season Premier was tonight. Almost an entire year of waiting.

To catch everyone up: Nip/Tuck is my favorite show ever made. Why? Because it’s like movie quality entertainment on TV. Awesome cast, fantastic direction, unbelieveable soundtrack, everything.

It’s true entertainment for adults. It pulls no punches and really pushes what we see on TV today. Like the kind of shit this show goes through, is normally seen on HBO.

Alright enough hyping this shit up, my thoughts on the 1 1/2 hour premiere. It was damn good. It didn’t knock me out, but it was great none the less. After the cliff hanger of Christian being the next victim of the Slasher, all bets were off….we now know that basically everyone is okay. Christian gets back into the swing of things, and Sean sees some progress too. Thanks to the “patient of the week” of course. Cliched as it may be (the patient teaches the docs something), it still works. The acting is really top notch from everyone they get on this show. Except fot the Baldwin they got for last season. I mean, it’s a fucking Baldwin, let’s be serious.

Special shout out to Kelly Carlson (who plays Kimber) for continuing to be one of the most gorgeous women on the planet.

I’m rambling now, I’ll post again with some real impressions.