
The last 3 days have basically been a blur. Had a lot of fun, saw Kyle kick his own ass over the course of a day, and had more than a few laughs.

Big thing was the System of a Down show on Tuesday at Continental Airlines Arena. We tailgated for most of the show and went inside in time to see Mars Volta play their last song. When they finished they got a big pop so it sounded like they had a good show.

It took a good 25 minutes for System to get on stage so they got up around 9:15. They had a curtain with the Mezmorize logo on it go around the stage and started with BYOB. Classic “silloutte” intro to start the song and then they drop the curtain and the place went nuts. We were way the hell up on the second teir (section 211) so our seats were neither bad nor good. Biggest problem was we were above the lighting rig and a portion of the stage was blocked off from all the hardware up there.

But System pretty much rocked the place. Some crowd interation but where we were, there was some nasty reverb/echo going on so you couldn’t tell what they said. Simle set with some rugs on the ground, a crazy light rigging that was done really well and a light board above the drummer. They played all of their big hits and at times the crowd was deafening. Just the whole place singing along and looking down the General Admission area was huge. They broke it into 2 sections and the first section had about 3 pits going while the one in the back had 2. By the end of the show a super pit formed between 2 pits so the swirl of people was like 50 feet wide. While they were beating the hell out each other, we were literally bouncing up top. You could feel the whole top level move up and down with all of the people jumping around. It was almost like being on a boat, the sensation was really weird.

The worst part was that System didn’t play an encore. What kind of shit is that? The biggest complaint for me was that the show seemed like it ran on a timer. They just ripped through their set. Any interaction they did do, was during a song with the “breaks” between songs being 10 seconds at most. The crowd was with them 110% and they did their last song, said thanks, mulled around stage a bit and then got off the stage. Everyone starts chanting and cheering and the house lights came on! No one seemed suprised and just walked out. I didn’t think you could even do that. It was only like 10:45 at that point.

Even with that it was a good show…but Korn is still way better.

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